To my Lefe’s:
You are my life, and I love you!
March was a fun month for us. I can’t say enough how thankful I am for what we get to experience together as a family! God has blessed us in many ways!
Zach, you turned 17 this month! How can that be? Seems like just a few days ago you were playing in your room with cars and Legos, singing at the top of your lungs! Congratulations on your academic award from last semester! You sure make this momma proud! I love you, Buddy. You’re the best son! God’s got big things in store for your future.
Liss, there aren’t a ton of pictures to choose from with you in it this month. Life is taking you down your own path, and that’s a good thing. God is blessing you, Sweetie. Keep seeking after him! I am so proud of the big decisions you made in March. Thank you for allowing me to spend part of Spring Break with you! Lots of fun and lots of laughs. You make me proud!
And to my husband, my love of a lifetime, I love you and I cherish the relationship God has blessed us with. You are a gift to me! Thank you for putting up with me, for loving me, for giving me space when I need it, and for being there every single day for me. I’m proud to be called your wife!
I look forward to the month of April and the memories God will be creating for us together. I love each of you so very, very much! So happy it’s spring!
Love you bunches,
Your Mom and Wife 🙂