Making a House a Home

by | Jan 17, 2010 | family, Inspiration

We have this moment to hold in our hand,

And to touch as it slips through our fingers like sand.
Yesterday’s gone and tomorrow may never come.
But we have this moment today.
–Gloria Gaither, songwriter and singer

My sister-in-law, Stacie gave me a wonderful book for my birthday this year.  I am really enjoying it!  It’s The One Year Women’s Friendship Devotional.  Today’s reading touched my heart, and I thought I would share it today.

It was about a widowed woman who moved into a condo after her children had grown and moved out on their own.  She had certain pieces of furniture and decor in her new condo that made it feel like home to her…a lamp her and her deceased husband found together at an antique store in their first year of marriage, quilts on the bed and wall that her grandma made, etc.  She didn’t fill her condo with clutter and accessories to impress others, she filled it with the things that were important to her and would make her feel at home.

Yet, a friend of hers and her husband had moved into temporary housing, because they thought they wouldn’t be there long. They never unpacked anything and kept everything in storage.  They ended up living there for eleven years.  When this friend visited the widowed woman and saw how she made her small space a “home” so quickly, this woman went home and was determined not to wait one more day to create a home right where she was in the moment.

The writer of this passage encouraged us to do the same…to paint and fix up now, not to wait until we are ready to sell and move out.  What makes you and I feel at home?  Why not enjoy those things now…today?  Mine is my mom’s quilt…the first and only one she ever made.  Right after Christmas, I found a quilt rack that matched our living room decor, and I now have Mom’s quilt proudly displayed in our living room. (I before had it in a storage tote! Hello??)  I love it!  I also love our throws that we cuddle up in, as we spend time together in our living room.

The author wrote, which touched my heart, “Don’t lose out on those precious moments by spending your time amagining that perfect house you may acquire in the future.  Make a place now to share life with those you love.”  She then added this prayer…

“Blessed Father, thank you for the place you have provided for me to live and eat, sleep and enjoy during this season of my life, and thank you for the people you’ve provided to share it with. Help me not to put off enjoying it until I have a dream house but to be grateful for your gifts and make the most of them now.”

Our home isn’t the perfect home, and many times I catch myself thinking of “when we have a diffferent home…”  But today’s reading helped me appreciate the home God has provided for us, and for the things that make our house a home.  I love our home and am very thankful for it!

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