Make This Race Different

by | Jun 4, 2015 | Love God, personal journey

It’s been quite the race.

A beautiful, sentimental, amazing, never-to-forget race.

I did all I could to slow it down, but this race to our son’s high school graduation happened at lightning speed. And as we prepared for “the lasts” of high school–senior nights, awards nights, commencement, and his celebration party–it became a sprint.

Especially during the last two weeks. I think we met ourselves coming and going. Seriously. Since his graduation party on Sunday, however (that’s another blog post in the making!), the pace has slowed just a bit.

But this race is not over. Later today my son and his high school soccer team will appear for the first time in school history in our state tournament. How cool is it that even though he’s graduated, his senior year isn’t over quite yet?!?!

I learned the hard way three years ago when our daughter graduated how stressful this kind of race can be. Back then I wasn’t the most pleasant person to hang out with, as I let the stress overtake my life. I determined to make this race different.

I made three key adjustments this year.


I determined to soak in each and every incredible moment with our son, and with our family. Moments we’ll never be able to experience again. I took time to “smell the roses.” I asked my husband to remind me to “live in the moment, ” and I kept my mind on where I was, not on the past and not on the future.


Sounds simple, but before my day started and before I began any activity, I prayed. I asked God to equip me, to calm me, to give me His wisdom. I asked Him to help me glorify Him as I went about my days and activities. I prayed His favor would be upon us, and for His grace, provision, and protection. This made the greatest impact and difference this year. Hands down. His presence was evident!

Prayer makes all the difference


I worked ahead when possible. Lists and ideas in my planner and on my phone. I worked on party details when time allowed, even if it was only a few minutes. Yet, I carved out time for fun and some R & R. (All work makes Julie a dull girl, right?!)


These three adjustments allowed me to enjoy our race, as stress was nearly nonexistent. Every activity came together beautifully, and we even had time and resources to spare. (What?!) These can be applied to any area of our lives… work, family commitments, vacation, leisure activities, sports, etc.

What race do you find yourself in the middle of today? Is there room to make some adjustments, such as the ones above? How can you apply them to your situation? Take it from me, they’ll make your race much more enjoyable.

Make this race different.

You bet I’ll be applying them for our soccer game this afternoon… especially #2, prayer! I realize you have more important items to pray for, but if you think of it, I’d welcome your prayers for this game! I’ll keep you posted.


(Photo credit: T Marie Portraits & Photo Booth)

Yep, this guy is mine. But more importantly, He’s God’s.

On with our race…

Much love to you today,




Linking up with Suzie and friends for #livefreeThursday. You’ll be blessed by what’s going on over there!


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  1. Jennifer

    Julie, I know how exciting soccer games are, especially when our children are the ones playing! How exciting! Thank you for the encouragement to make adjustments in the race. Good stuff! Enjoy the game!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Thank you, Jennifer. Yes, these games are very exciting. They lost this one, however, but played great. Thanks for your encouragement. God bless you!

  2. Lisa Tindal

    I am in this race too, sweet writer friend!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Yes, you are, Lisa. You’re in my thoughts and prayers often. Let’s compare notes some day soon! Much love and peace to you, dear friend!

  3. Andrew Budek-Schmeisser

    Congratulations, Julie!

    My race, now, is one against debility and death. AThe points you raised apply to me (especially living in the moment!), but I’d like to add one more.

    Accept yourself.

    Terminal illness has changed me; physically, for sure, but my paradigm for life has changed. I’ve become ruthless, and hard, mainly toward myself. I’ll push to the point of exhaustion and intransigent pain, and beyond, to the point of collapse. “Ich kann nicht andreres,” to quote Martin Luther.

    But I recognize that in some ways I am Not A Nice Person, to those around me; it takes a toll on them, to see me hurt, and they feel that this pitiless “Go Tell The Spartans” attitude might be applied to them. And they are right to be concerned, because I’ve crossed that line.

    I am trying to change, while preserving the aggression that I need to keep death at bay, but it’s a process, not a decision. I have to accept myself as I am, today, and neither justify what I was yesterday, nor promise a tomorrow.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Andrew, I think “accept yourself” is a good piece to add. I need that one. I continue to pray for you daily, as God knows what you need in every given moment. May you find peace in among your days, brother, and may you live in the moment as well.

  4. Crystal Hornback

    So sweet, Julie! I think these three adjustments can apply to all of us, for LIFE in general! They are perfect applications to strive to follow. Thank you for sharing! Praying as you continue to walk through this time with your precious kiddos, and enter a new phase of your parenting journey. #livefreeThursday

    • Julie Lefebure

      Thank you, Crystal. I welcome your prayers! Thanks for stopping in and for sharing. God bless you as you continue to bless others!

  5. Kristine

    Three great tips, Julie. Wow, what a whirl-wind of events you’ve had recently! So happy for you and your family. Congratulations on graduation and the bright future that lies ahead for your very talented son. Blessings!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Thank you, Kristine. Now if I can just remember to live by them on a daily basis! Thank you for stopping in. God bless you, beautiful friend!

  6. Kim Stewart

    Julie, love these momma tips. Time sure does fly by. That boy of yours is such a cutie I know you are SO PROUD!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Yes, time does fly! Thank you, Kim. I am proud. Praying your week is blessed!

  7. Betsy

    Oh I enjoyed reading your post, Julie. I’m sitting down RIGHT after Andres’s graduation ceremony and party! Since he was home schooled, that meant we organized a ceremony, and had a party. (So I prepared a talk AND food. 🙂 ) But God worked everything out beautifully. I love your trip tips, especially about PRAYER. I took time to smell the roses too the past few weeks. Love to you and your family, friend. Keep us posted on that game!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Betsy, I appreciate how God is walking us through these similar experiences this year! (However, I didn’t have to prepare a talk… just the food!) 🙂 Your family is precious, and I’m lifting you all in prayer today. Have a blessed week!


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