When Loyal Love Is Perfect And Mine Is Not

by | Aug 25, 2016 | Five Minute Friday, Love God

I sometimes wonder why God puts up with me.

I can be a real pain in His backside. I’m sure of it.

Scripture says He formed me in my mother’s womb, and He knows me inside and out. He knows the number of hairs on my head (and probably how many of them have taken on a gray tint as well). He also knows what I’m thinking, and He even knows what’s about to come out of my mouth before it escapes.

So, I understand He knows me intimately, and I cannot hide anything from Him. But what I don’t understand is, even with all my flaws and mistakes and mess-ups and sin-filled habits, He continues to love me anyway. He continues to stand with me. And, He continues to remain loyal. Even when I don’t deserve it.

Others would have high-tailed it a long ago. Others would have given up on me way back when. But not God. He has stuck with me, has never given up on me, and continues to mold me into the woman He desires me to be. (He sure has his work cut out for Him some days.)

But Lord, You are a God full of compassion, generous in grace, slow to anger, and boundless in loyal love and truth. Psalm 86:15 Voice

This fills me with awe, wonder, love, and thankfulness. And because He is loyal to me and to those He loves, the desire wells up within me to remain loyal to Him.

His loyal love is perfect.

His loyal love is perfect. I’ve proven mine is not.

I’ll do my best, though, to follow Him, to seek Him, to serve Him, and to share Him with others. And I’ll continue to thank Him for His loyalty and love.

It’s your turn. Where have you seen God’s loyalty in your life? In the lives of those around you? I’d love to read about it below.

Thanks for stopping by. Blessings!




This post is written for Five Minute Friday. Where many of us free-write on a one word prompt for five minutes. (‘m guilty. I went seven minutes this week.) This week’s word was LOYAL. We gather on Twitter Thursday nights for #fmfparty, and then on to Kate Motaung’s to share and encourage. You’ll be blessed to visit her space!

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  1. tammysincerity

    oh I can relate so well to your post. I’m stymied by His love for me. And when He blesses me? It’s not a thunderstorm. It’s a waterfall! Niagra Falls!
    Thank you for sharing. My stubborn hairs are numbered in His mind. He knows every single one of them. 😀
    (your neighbor at FMF this week at #7)

    • Julie Lefebure

      Tammy, you made me smile here. He knows all of my stubborn ways too. Blessings my friend. Praying He showers you with blessing after blessing, as you keep Him front and center!

  2. Andrew Budek-Schmeisser

    Well, I’ve decided to test Him, and I have faith that He’ll come through…as long as I don’t overrun His lead.

    He planted a goal in my heart, one that seems, from here, impossible. Tokyo, 2020. The decathalon. And I can barely walk, and my doctor says I should be dead already. (And I’m too OLD!)

    But God says I need not walk; I need only run. And He will deal with my bigmouth doctor in due course. And as for age, God reminded me that He’s a lot older than I am, and I should shut my whiny little excuse-making mouth and get to work. Talking’s a waste of breath when you’re training, so He says.

    So today, His loyalty is expressed in my sore arms. I can’t yet run, but I can use a pair of buckets filled with water as free weights. The rest will come.

    Heck, I have four years. and He made the world in seven days.

    #2 at FMF this week.


    • Julie Lefebure

      Andrew, I’m thrilled to read your words! Hey, if God has told you to train, you better be training! I’m cheering you on and praying you are strengthened by His power and might. To God be the glory, and in you, He is! Keep going, brother.

  3. Martha G. Brady

    i love this post julie. i’m joining you from FMF (#12 today). His love is so long-suffering isn’t it? embarrassing! he hangs in with us long after we deserve it. loyal isn’t even the word for it, is it? thanks for your good words:)

    • Julie Lefebure

      You’re right, Martha. Loyal doesn’t even touch His long-suffering love for us. Thanks so much for sharing here. You’re a blessing!

  4. AliceWilliam

    What a wonderful confession! I am with you on this. It’s just amazing the WHY of His love!!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Glad we’re journeying this road together. Thanks for stopping by and sharing some words of blessing and encouragement. Yes, the why of His love is amazing!

  5. ambertaube

    I so enjoyed this reminder. So often my love does not reflect His and I am hesitant to share it but that is not like Him at all! He is loyal!

    • Julie Lefebure

      He sure is loyal. We can rejoice in that today and every day! Thank you for swinging by and sharing. Bless you!

  6. Joanne Viola (@JViola79)

    Julie, like you, I also thought about God’s loyal love towards me even though I am so undeserving. I am grateful this morning for a word prompt which reminded me of His love for me. Blessings!

    • Julie Lefebure

      I love it when God reminds us Who He is, and how He loves us! What a gift and blessing. Joanne, thank you for being a faithful follower of His. You continue to inspire and point to Him!

  7. Ginny Sulya

    Hi Julie,

    This morning I have been just reflecting on the love and faithfulness of the Lord, looking back on answered prayers, rereading notes of praise written over the years in my favorite devotional Streams in the Desert. I am in awe and share those same thoughts and am just exceedingly abundantly, grateful and blessed! Thank you for sharing your heart and faith!


    • Julie Lefebure

      Ginny, you blessed me today with your words. What a gift you’ve been given as you look back and reflect on God’s faithfulness and love. Thank you for sharing your thoughts here. I’m humbled and consider it a privilege to journey alongside of you in this life. Bless you!

  8. blaaklistwriters

    “… boundless in loyal love…” What a beautiful translation of this verse! It’s such a comforting word picture, and such a good reminder. Thanks, Julie!
    Shauna (#14 this week)

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Shauna! This translation is beautiful! I appreciate you stopping by for a few minutes and sharing your thoughts here. God bless you!

  9. Tara

    Yes! “His loyal love is perfect. I’ve proven mine is not. I’ll do my best, though, to follow Him, to seek Him, to serve Him, and to share Him with others. And I’ll continue to thank him for his loyalty and lov,” his loyalty truly is beyond any Loy’s,try, isn’t it? I’m in the 35 spot this week.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Agreed, my friend. So thankful His loyal love is perfect! Bless you, Tara!

  10. Kristina

    Julie, this is AWESOME! This brought tears in my eyes because this is exactly what He has been putting on my heart. It is sooooo easy for me to put myself down because I never seem to get it but He remains faithful and draws me in to Himself. I don’t understand it but I want to more than I feel like I do. But I know its all Him. visiting from #22

    • Julie Lefebure

      I’m with you, Kristina. I’m glad we can walk this road together… not understanding how He continues to remain loyal to us, but rejoicing that He does. It is all of Him. Thanks for spending a few minutes here, and for sharing your heart (and your tears). You are precious in His sight!

  11. Anna Smit

    Beautiful truths here. Oh yes, doing my best right alongside you! And oh the grace that continues to meet me at every turn, the freeing conviction and beautiful transformation.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Amen, and amen, Anna! His grace is simply amazing!! Thanks for coming by. Bless you!

  12. Ifeoma Samuel

    Julie I am so glad reading this. God’s love is overwhelming.
    Blessings to you

    • Julie Lefebure

      It sure is, Ifeoma! Thanks for stopping by. May God bless you!

  13. Anita Ojeda

    Ah, I’ve felt the same way, too, Julie! It helps me to remember that I am of value to God, and nothing that I do or that happens to me will ever diminish my value.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Thank you, Anita, for that reminder too. We are of value to the One Who created us. Allowing that truth to sink in today. Bless you, my friend!


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Julie Lefebure
His loyal love is perfect.
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