The Blog
to encourage your heart and
add a lift to your step
The Blog
to encourage your heart and
add a lift to your step
35. The Hope Of Living Beyond Our Brokenness
Is there hope of living beyond our brokenness? Sadly, we live in a broken world, and because we do, brokenness invades the spaces of our lives. From the moment sin entered the world when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, brokenness infiltrated our world. No matter...
34. So, What Were You Doing Two Years Ago?
So, friend, what were you doing two years ago? Do you remember? Seems like so long ago, doesn't it? Yet it feels like not so long ago when we think back to those early days of the pandemic. We likely recall how life shifted for most of us two years ago. For some life...
25 Simple Ways To Love Your Neighbor
Love your neighbor. These three words are a part of what Jesus calls the greatest commandments. And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.’ The second is equally important: ‘Love your...
33. When It’s Not So Easy To Love Your Neighbor
What do we do when it's not so easy to love our neighbors? The last couple of weeks we discussed in detail blooming where we are planted here on the podcast, and one way we can bloom where we are planted is to care for and love those around us. God calls it to "love...
32. How To Bloom Where You Are Planted – Part 2
Spring is one week closer, and as it is, we are talking blooming on the podcast this week! Are you ready to bloom? Last week we began this discussion about blooming. What does it mean to bloom where we're planted? Why do we want to bloom? Where are we to bloom, and...
31. How To Bloom Where You Are Planted – Part 1
Spring is on its way, isn't it? Can you feel it? Are you as excited for spring as I am? As we look to spring our thoughts may turn to planting, and blossoms, and blooms, and the landscape of earth turning green and lush again. But the earth isn't the only thing that...