The Blog
to encourage your heart and
add a lift to your step
The Blog
to encourage your heart and
add a lift to your step
66. The Distraction Of Regret Says, “You Did That?”
We've paused recently to ponder some distractions in our lives here on the podcast, and today we're discussing one that I think we can each relate to. The Distraction of Regret. Because who doesn't have at least one regret in this life? Who hasn't messed up? Who...
65. Real Life Truth: A Delay Is Not Defeat
Well, this episode is late. Not just hours late, but days late. And for this girl who doesn't ever like to be late, that bothers me. That doesn't set well with me when I'm one who does what she says she's going to do. Because when I say a new podcast episode will be...
64. The Distraction of Worry Says, “Fret About This”
Do you ever struggle with worry? Do you ever fret? I think we each do every now and then, am I right? We don't want to and we don't intend to, but worry can be a big distraction in our lives. It can snatch our attention from the here and now and put it on situations...
A Word Of Encouragement For When We Compare
Comparison is a sneaky distraction, isn't it? It pops up when we least expect it, and it robs us of our peace and our joy. When we compare ourselves with others, we take our eyes off God and set them on what others do, have, and are, and what we don't, what we're...
63. The Distraction of Comparison Says “Be Like Her”
If you've listened in or followed me for any time at all, you probably know I'm passionate about helping women live encouraged and less distracted. Because living distracted is not God's best for us. One big distraction is the subject of today's episode. Because I...
62. Because The Answer Is Found In The Asking
I love it when friends sharpen one another. When they impact each other for good and help each other become the best versions of themselves. One of these kinds of friends and I have an ongoing conversation about asking God specific questions, like asking Him...