The Blog
to encourage your heart and
add a lift to your step

The Blog
to encourage your heart and
add a lift to your step

190. Real Life and Real Relationships with Zach Lefebure
Welcome to our guest episode for the month! Joining me on the podcast today is my son, Zach Lefebure. Zach is a very wise soul, even though he's only in his late twenties. He's a business owner, a newlywed, and I say he is a man after God's own heart. He's a fun...

189. How to Find Peace in the Storms of Life
Plenty of people in my life right now are weathering storms. Not storms necessarily in the weather, but more physical, emotional, and spiritual storms. I'm guessing you have people in your life that are doing the same. And quite possibly, you could be one of these...

188. How to Identify and Combat Lies From the Enemy
Have you ever caught yourself believing something that's just not true? Just the other day I caught myself believing the lie that because I wasn't attending a certain event that my friends are attending that they would forget about me. Good grief! That fear of missing...

187. On What Are You Building Your Life?
What would happen if we built our homes on sand? We see what happens when we build sandcastles on the beach, don't we? The waves crash in and they are washed out to sea. Not surprisingly, the same thing goes for our lives. On what re you building your life? Imagine...

186. Life, Love, and Everything In Between with Bill Lefebure
Could you use some encouragement regarding life, relationships, or showing up for others? I believe you've come to the right place today. It's our guest episode for the month! It's special because it's the first one with a male guest and the first one with my guest...

185. What Is In Your Heart? Find Out Now
Have you noticed we've had an underlying theme here lately? It's been all about the heart. The first week's episode was about why it's not wise to follow your heart. Last week's episode's was on having a heart for God. In today's episode we are discussing identifying...