I just finished reading a friend’s blog. I am touched and awed by her authenticity. She shared some things in a post yesterday that were deep from her heart. I consider her a good friend, however, our lives have gone in different directions, and I miss not connecting with her like I used to be able to. I had no idea the things that were really going on in her life and in her heart, and I still wouldn’t know if I wouldn’t have read her blog.
Shame on me. How could I have let our different paths remove the closeness of the friendship we once shared? Why does the “busy-ness” of life sometimes take over and cause us to focus on things that might not be as important as the relationships in our lives? Why do we let that happen? Why do we let “things” and schedules become more important than people? I became very sad pondering these things in the past few minutes, but yet encouraged that this reminded me (again) of how very important people are in my life.
After I read her blog, I tore off yesterday’s page of my Daily Bible Verse Calendar, and read today’s Bible verse: “…let us love one another, for love comes from God…” –1 John 4:7. How appropriate!
I have done a poor job at loving this friend. I have let my schedule remove me from being involved in her life, and I admit I have put my focus on my own life, trying to keep my head above water. But…I can choose to make changes TODAY.
All of us can choose to love the people in our lives, or we can choose to let your schedules become more important. We can choose to stay involved in people’s lives, or we can choose to just focus on our own. Today I’m choosing to reconnect with this friend. I talked with her Friday afternoon on her way home from work…she returned my phone call after I left a message with a question pertaining to something else. I mentioned I would love to have coffee or lunch with her soon, but nothing was set. Today I will follow up on that, and try to get something set with her. I’m excited to do so!
Who in your life do you need to reconnect with? Who is God laying on your heart right now? Who do you miss? What can you choose to do to reconnect with him or her? Can you call? Can you email? Write a note? I urge you to do it TODAY. Put that on the top of your “to do” list. I know I am!
…let us love one another, for love comes from God…

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