Love Note To My Lefe’s – May 2015

by | Jun 1, 2015 | This Lefe Family

My family. Goodness, I love them so.

Each month I write them a love note as I recap some highlights and share memories of the last thirty-or-so days. Here is May’s note…

May 2015 Collage

To the wonderful three I am blessed to call my family,

I am looking back over our month, and oh my, did we have a great 31 days together! We celebrated much, we shared many laughs, and we were blessed to spend lots of time with each other. We created beautiful, never-to-forget memories, and yes, I was able to catch much of them in photos! (Thank you for always putting up with my picture taking!)

Bill, I’ll start with you this month. You are an incredible man. You continue to believe in me, you encourage me, you bless me. You keep me level-headed, when oftentimes I struggle in that area. Bottom line… you complete me. (After all, how would I have been able to compute the amount of ingredients for all those mashed potatoes for our party??) Seriously, I don’t know what I’d so without you. Our schedules have been so full, but now as things start to settle back down, I’m hoping we have many just you and me moments coming up very soon! I love you so very much, Bill, and I thank God for you!

Alissa, how fun it was to celebrate your 21st birthday with you this month! Thank you for inviting Dad and I to join you! We almost felt like 21-year olds again. (Almost.) Honey, you are beautiful inside and out. You are gifted and talented in so many ways. You are kind, loving, and enthusiastic. You bring much happiness to my life. You continually make time for your family, and I’m so very grateful for that. Thank you for the many ways you encourage and support your brother, especially in attending his many events this month. He looks up to you, and loves you, more than you know. I’m proud of who you are, and how you live your life. Keep making smart choices, and keep seeking after God. Spend time with Him daily. He has great things ahead for you! I’m cheering you on, every step of the way. I love you, Sweetie!

Zach, my graduate, you’ve had quite the month. Wow! I am so impressed! You’ve accomplished great things in the last year, in the last month! It has been a blast watching you soar, and cheering you on as you did so. You are a true team player in every sense of the word, and how amazing it is for you to be involved two top-notch teams your senior year! I can’t wait to watch you make school history as you step on the state tournament soccer field this week! The awards you’ve received show just the kind of guy you are. Dad and I aren’t the only ones who see the difference you are making in the world. You make me proud, buddy. Yet, this is just the beginning of a great life God has planned for you. Spend time with Him daily. Keep seeking Him and following His ways. He won’t lead you astray. I’ll continue to be your biggest fan, and I’ll always be here for you. I love you, Mister!

As we look to the month ahead, I am excited to share many more fun times with each of you. As I pray for you daily, this month I’m even more intentional on asking God to open up opportunities where we can serve and worship Him together. God wants a relationship with each one of us, and spending time talking to Him and reading His Word are essential to that relationship. (We already know that, but I’m just reminding us.) I can’t wait to see what God is going to do when Grandma Barb moves back!

You three are my everything. I thank God for you, especially today. I love you to the moon and back!


Your wife & momma


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