Life is gearing up for our family.
The thought of graduation continues to seep into my thoughts…Ali’s high school graduation, that is. Her graduation is three months away. Seriously…how can that be? How can she be graduating from high school already? Wasn’t it just yesterday she was a Middle Schooler?
With her graduation, comes her graduation party. She wants to have her party at our home. I love hosting parties and get-togethers. But hosting one with hundreds of people??!! That, I’m not used to. Her graduation party is four months away. I have a long list I want to accomplish (or should I say I want Bill to accomplish) before the day of the party…
–Build the deck on the west side of our home, off our bedroom.
–Get the flower beds looking beautiful…beautiful up to my Mom’s flower bed standards.
–Organize the garage
–Build a shed for Bill to keep all of his “toys” in.
–Replace the bushes in the front of our home.
–Finish the deck on the back of our home.
Plus, do all the things to get ready for the party…
–Order a big tent?
–Plan the food.
–all of the other details I’m not thinking of right now.
But before graduation, there’s a whole lot going on that we are gearing up for.
–Soccer begins in three weeks for Zach. Practice will be every evening at school. He’s already lifting weights three days a week and attends open gym on Sunday evenings.
–Ali’s show choir was invited to perform at Fame Chicago in March! The same weekend I go to a retreat in Milwaukee for Bible Study Fellowship. I’ll be an hour away from Chicago, and will be able to attend their performance!
–Ali is leaving for Florida next week for five days.
–We are searching for and submitting scholarships for Ali’s college education. Many are due this spring. She finished one Friday night, and I plan on finishing one parents can submit tomorrow. (This whole process is crazy, I have to say! I had no idea of how these scholarships work! We are all learning a ton!)
–Spring break is in three weeks. Are we going anywhere??!! Tryouts for soccer are the beginning of that week, so if we go anywhere, it’ll have to be for only a few days…at the end of the week.
–Ali has one more show choir competition yet this month and a performance next month. I hate to see this show choir season end.
This is an exciting time for all of us. I will need to take it one day at a time, one thing at a time. Ali is looking so forward to graduation. She wants it to come quickly. I would like for it to take it’s time getting here. 🙂 Before we know it, spring will be here, then summer will soon follow. I don’t want to look too far ahead though, and miss what’s going on in the moment. There’s a whole lot to cherish in these next few weeks and months! I plan to live in the moment (and not to fret or worry)!
Matthew 6:33-34 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

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