My right ear was bothering me, so as Bill took Zach to soccer, I ran to the urgent care clinic close to us. Sure enough, I have the starting of an ear infection. Ugh! I picked up a prescription for antibiotics, and ran to school to pick up Zach after soccer. He was exhausted. I drove him home, and within a half hour, I was out the door again to go pick up Ali from volleyball.
I have a tendency to not “live in the present,” but to think about the past, or think about the future. Today I tried to live in the present and focus on each thing I was doing and tried to appreciate each moment. What a difference that made!
I plan to do the same tomorrow, and not get caught in living in the past or the future, but cherishing the present. I’m exhausted…I’m going to bed! Good night! 🙂

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