When Life Spins Too Fast Rejoice And Be Glad

by | Feb 6, 2018 | #adventure2018, Love God

I thought life would settle down after the holidays.

It’s February, and I’m still waiting for it to do so. Am I the only one feeling this way? Goodness!

Maybe you feel it too. Life is humming at a speed that certainly can’t be healthy. It’s fast-paced and in urgent haste. It almost feels like it could spin out of control at any given moment.

I stopped long enough today to glance at my reality: My schedule continues to be full. My jobs (yes, more than one) feel like they’re on full-throttle. God is calling me to host additional events of encouragement for women. I have more speaking engagements scheduled this year than any other so far. We’re in the throws of planning a fall wedding. I have additional responsibilities at church and Bible Study Fellowship.

There’s no slow down in sight for this girl.

Even so, I left our home this morning voicing silently, “Life, please slow down.”

Please, don’t get me wrong. I’m not complaining here. Really, I’m not. I’m thankful for each of these listed above. What a joy it is to work, to live a life of ministry, to speak and share with others, to help plan our daughter’s wedding, and to serve at church and BSF. It’s a blessing to be called and used by God, for His plans and His purposes. It’s a joy to live the life God has granted me to live.

Friend, if you can relate to any of this, I’ve come across some timely encouragement. It’s Psalm 118:24. Maybe you know it.

This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 NLT

The VOICE translation says it like this:

This is the day the Eternal God has made; let us celebrate and be happy today.

Psalm 118:24 Rejoice and be glad!This verse is powerful, is it not? Some scholars say it’s regarding what God has done. Some say it points to Jesus and His triumph. And, some say it’s regarding the Sabbath. No matter to what it refers, we can rejoice and be glad in each day God gives us. We can thank Him as we wake each morning. We can choose to live every moment of our day for His sake, and inspire others to do the same.

Rejoice and be glad in today.

That may look differently for each one of us. Do you suppose it makes God smile when we choose to rejoice in the days He’s given us? Yet, I wonder, how many days have I just tried to get through? How many have I displayed a rotten attitude or have been too busy to celebrate? Or, what about those days filled with worry, or envy, or discouragement?

Right this very moment, what can you celebrate today? For what can you be thankful and happy? Let’s not miss this very moment.

So, even if life doesn’t slow down for us, you and I can un-hurry our pace. We can take our feet off the accelerator as we delight in the moments we’ve been given right now.

If we can’t control the speed of life, we can still affect the pace in which we live.

Let’s slow it down. Let’s rejoice in this day, and be glad in the moments we’re given.

Blessings, friend!


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  1. Andrew Budek-Schmeisser

    Lovely post, Julie.

    I don’t want life to slow down; having to be on call for taking care of the dogs is what’s keeping me active and, so they say, alive. I sleep in the kennel area to be available, and still feel like I am a part of life.

  2. Tara

    I hear you friend! Sometimes I need to remember “Be still and know that I’m God!”


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