Life Has Given You Lemons. Now What?

by | Sep 3, 2020 | #open2020, Love God

You know the familiar saying… “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”

Right? Well, I found a few others:

“When life gives you lemons, make a cake.” (Yum!)

“When life gives you lemons, throw the lemons back.” (Sounds good to me.)

And this one makes me chuckle:

“When life gives you lemons, squirt life in the eye.”

I like how these statement lighten the moment when life gets challenging. But, my question is, why are lemons looked at so negatively? Why are lemons considered bad? I mean, you never want to buy a car that’s a lemon. Right? We all know lemons are sour. But truly, I like lemons. Especially in cooking and in my teas. So, I did some digging. This info here shares the reason why lemons may get a bad rap.

Life has given you lemons. Now what?

Life has handed many of us some big fat lemons as of late.

Some of us are currently facing harsh realities of life. An unfavorable diagnosis. Heart-wrenching news. A death of someone we love. Storm damage. Broken hearts and smashed dreams. Many of us are still trying to navigate these pandemic waters, and quite honestly, it’s possible we feel we’re rowing upstream. All of us are just trying to make the best of each day, of each moment, of each circumstance we’re given. Even if they are filled with lemons.

This pandemic makes me feel like a whole bunch of lemons were chucked at me all at once. And the thing is, I fully expected and prayed for and wished for it all to be over by now. But, it appears to be far from over. Honestly, I’m tired of these lemons and I want things to go back to “normal.” Whatever “normal” is. Do I even remember what normal is?

So, what do we do when life hands us lemons?

Sure, we can make lemonade. After all, lemonade is delicious! And doing so is all about making something good from what appears to be bad. But I believe there’s something more. I believe God can take our lemons and make them into something so much more than you and I ever could.

God takes our lemons and turns them into something beautiful.

I can’t help but think of the story of Joseph in the Bible. He wasn’t flawless, no. But life handed him lemon after lemon. His brothers sold him into slavery. They threw him in a pit. They faked his death. Joseph ended up in Egypt, a foreign land. Potiphar’s wife seduced him and falsely accused him. Consequently, Joseph spent many years in prison, even after he asked for the cup-bearer to remember him.

One lemon after another.

Did God forget Joseph? Did He cause all these catastrophes in Joseph’s life? Or did He just not care about Joseph? My answer is no. God was behind the scenes all the while, and just at the right time, God used those lemons in Joseph’s life and made something beautiful from them. He used Joseph’s circumstances and promoted him to second in command in Egypt. Because of his wisdom and planning, he saved the lives of many throughout many nations. Including his family and the very brothers who sold him into slavery so many years prior.

God brings good from what appears to be bad.

Josephs says it, himself, in Genesis:

Even though you intended to harm me, God intended it only for good, and through me, He preserved the lives of countless people, as He is still doing today.

Genesis 50:20 VOICE

“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good.” You and I have circumstances in which we can claim these words. Right now, what do you see as bad that God might be using for good in your life? Maybe you don’t see it yet, but trust me (or better yet, trust God), it’s coming!

In what ways has God turned something “bad” in your life into something “good?” Maybe not just good for you, but for someone else or for His glory? Recount those ways. Right them down. Thank Him for them. And watch Him do it again.

God is faithful, my friend.

He can and will turn your lemons into something beautiful. Even better than the best-tasting lemonade. Therefore, don’t lose hope. Keep trusting Him to act in His perfect time, in His perfect way.

We are confident that God is able to orchestrate everything to work toward something good and beautiful when we love Him and accept His invitation to live according to His plan.

Romans 8:28 VOICE

Will you pray with me?

Father God, I praise You that You’re in control. You are faithful, God, and I trust You. I thank You for never leaving me and never forgetting about me. As You know me better than I know myself, You already know these hard things (name them) in my life that do not appear to be “good.” But, God, I trust You with them. I give them to You today, and I ask You to do what only You can do to bring good from them. Continue to grow my faith in You. Open my eyes to see You at work in my life. Thank You for loving me and for hearing and answering my prayers according to Your good will. I love You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Hang in there friend. God’s good is coming.

Much love,

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