Near me are two baskets of laundry just waiting to be folded.
I just finished frosting my freshest batch of Mom’s Sugar Cookies. I must say they look pretty yummy! Two of the three of us have already dug into them.
Dinner is long over. Dishes and pans are put away.
Friends, it feels good to relax for a time this evening. I guess that’s why I haven’t folded the laundry just yet.
My son is on the couch. My husband is in the recliner. We’re watching the Olympics, and can’t seem to get enough of the games.
The temperature is forecasted to drop to -21 degrees tonight. That’s actual temperature, friends. Our farm cats are safely tucked in the garage. (For those of you who know the history with them, you can breathe a sigh of relief with me. If not, a couple of back posts, Lesson From Farm Cats and On a Rescue Mission will help you catch up.) (Smile.)
School is already delayed two hours tomorrow morning due to the cold. Our son is happy about that.
Everything seems to be perfect tonight. Except for one thing.
I miss my daughter.
Gone are the days when all four of us were home together in the evenings. I cherished and appreciated each moment of those times as much as I could. Our daughter, Alissa moved out in her own apartment in August–only 20 minutes away–and life here at home has been different ever since. Her lively spirit and beautiful presence is missed.
This has probably been the biggest adjustment so far for me in my motherhood… adjusting to a child moving out. But, I have to say, God has given all of us what we have needed to embrace this transition. Alissa has adapted well, and for the most part, so have the rest of us.
But there are still times like tonight that my heart aches in missing her.
I am so proud of the choices she’s making and the way she’s conducting herself out on her own. She’s responsible with her money, her time, and the adult-type decisions she’s had to make recently. This mom couldn’t be more proud of her.
Moms of younger children, you probably get tired of hearing it, but as cliche as it might sound, cherish each moment with those little ones. These days may seem long (especially this winter stuck inside), but time will speed by you quickly. You’ll look back and smile on days like these.
You know, I think I’ll send my Lissy-girl (my nickname for her) a text to remind her how special she is to me and how much I miss her beautiful presence tonight.
Have a good night, all!

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