My June love note to my amazing Lefe’s:
This wife and mom of yours sure loves you!
Time seems to be flying past us at quicker-than-ever speed. It seems like I just wrote my May letter to you, and now here we are starting July!
We had such a great June together didn’t we? We made so many wonderful memories! I am completely thankful for each one. Thank you for the time each of you make for our family and for each another!
Bill, your birthday and Father’s Day landed all on the same weekend this month. I pray you felt special and appreciated on both days (and every day, for that matter). Special days like those remind us how incredibly blessed we are to have you as husband and dad. Thank you for a wonderful vacation, and all you did to make that happen. Thank you for the endless sacrifices you make for our family. Thank you for leading our family in godly ways, for praying with and for your wife and children, and for seeking God in all you do. I am a blessed woman to be your wife, and I love you so very much. You truly are my “love of a lifetime.”
Alissa, thank you for staying connected to your family as much as you do. I can’t tell you how much I enjoy the time we spend together! You are a beautiful woman, inside and out, and God has given you so many gifts and talents. Keep using them for Him. Continue to make smart choices in all areas of your life. God sees it all, and He will continue to bless you. You are independent (like your mom), confident, and kind. I couldn’t be more proud of you. Thanks for making vacation so fun and enjoyable! Beach time was excellent with you! I love you, sweetie!
Zach, being home with you last month was such a joy! You are growing into such a fine young man, and I am so proud of you! Congratulations on finishing your Junior year with high honors, and for making great choices in every area of your life. Continue to do the things that honor God, and continue to be a good example for others to follow. Vacation with you was again so fun. I hope you’ll hang around your family at least a few more years for more great times like that! Enjoy this summer, and keep doing your best. Your mom loves you!
I pray every day for God to keep each of you safe, to guide you, and to grow you into the people He desires you to be. I see Him answering those prayers! May we always keep Him in the center of our lives!
I am humbled to be given such a wonderful family. We have such a blessed life, and we have much to be thankful for, don’t we?!
As we look ahead to July, may we live each day to honor God, and may we make the most of all He gives us. More memories will be made together, and I look forward to every single one of them!
I love you to the moon and back!
Your wife & mom,

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