156. It’s Okay to Say No with Stacie Gorkow

by | Jul 30, 2024 | Podcast

You’re in for a treat today. Our guest this month is the wise and joyful Stacie Gorkow. Stacie is not only my friend, but my sister-in-law. She’s one who lives life to the fullest, and without a doubt, I believe her words will encourage you today, especially when it comes to saying no to things we aren’t called to do. We talk about everything from to books, to God’s calling, to walking through grief. You might walk away with thinking about life with a fresh perspective!

It's Okay to Say No with Stacie Gorkow

Click on the player above to listen to the full 29-minute episode. (Our guest episodes are a bit longer than our solo ones.)

Stacie Gorkow has learned the importance of saying no.

I appreciate Stacie’s words about finding out what we’re passionate about and allowing God to lead us to His best for us. You and I aren’t called to do everything, friend. We’re called to simply follow Him. I pray God will use Stacie’s experiences in your own life, especially if it’s time to say no to something. Remember, He has good plans for your life!

Look up Stacie Gorkow and follow her online and on social media. The link to her spaces are in the show notes.

Stacie mentioned how God encouraged her heart on Day 3 of the Right Now Matters Bible Study. Our next in-person and online group sessions of the Right Now Matters Bible Study will begin likely in September. If you’d like to be notified of when they begin and receive more information about them, find the link in the show notes to join the waitlist.

If you found some encouragement and hope in this episode today, would you please leave a rating and/or a review from wherever you’re listening? This might just help another find this encouragement too. Subscribe if you haven’t already to never miss an episode. I also invite you to share this episode with a friend who could use this encouragement, too.

Thanks for tuning in today. God bless you!

Links in this episode:

Encouragement for Real Life Podcast, Episode 156, It's Okay to Say No with Stacie Gorkow
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