109. How to Succeed at Something Difficult

by | Sep 5, 2023 | Podcast

When was the last time you stepped out of what’s comfortable to do something maybe you had never done before or to do something you’ve always wanted to do? Is there something on your heart or something deep down you secretly want to try, but you think it may be too difficult or that you don’t have what it takes to do it? Today’s episode, I believe, will positively challenge us and maybe even motivate us all to step out and do that something difficult, even through my raspy voice.

How to Succeed at Something Difficult | woman with pink tank and black cropped leggins running down a road

A few weeks ago my adult daughter, Alissa, nonchalantly said to me, “I’m going to run a 5k Friday night.”

I wasn’t aware she had returned to running.

She had hidden the fact that she had been rising at 5 a.m. every day to walk, jog, and run outdoors through the summer. Finding that out, I was so proud of her for doing that, because I know the kind of effort that takes with two little ones under the age of 3, plus working full time and running a successful side business. That’s a lot.

She went on to say she had listened to a podcast recently about giving herself permission to “do hard things.” The woman on the podcast encouraged the listeners to step out, to be brave, and do something difficult. Her words impacted my daughter, so much so, she committed to running in a 5k race! The second one of her 29 years of life. I was there for the first one, and you bet I was going to be there for the second.

She was inspired, committed, and a little nervous.

This race was taking place in her small town during the Friday night of their annual summer celebration weekend. The fun thing for us was that the route of the race included going past her family’s home. We could be her cheering section mid-route! We took our places in their front lawn. Our two-year-old grandson was giddy with excitement. We were ready.

Pretty soon, we saw Alissa. As she turned the corner to jog past us, we all cheered and waved and screamed with excitement.

Click on the player above to listen to the full 15-minute episode.

You’ll hear the full account and how this run affected her and others.

I also share the secret to succeeding at something difficult.

And it may be different than what you think.

In closing, I pray we each give ourselves permission to step out and do our something difficult that makes us uncomfortable, that feels scary, that makes us a little nervous when we think about it. You can do it, friend. I’m cheering you on! God bless you.

Links in this episode:

Encouragement for Real Life Podcast, Episode 109, How to Succeed at Something Difficult
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  1. Nancy E Head

    Beautiful post and wise words. Thanks and God bless!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Thank you, Nancy, for your comment! God bless you, and may He keep you encouraged.

  2. Lori

    I needed to hear this on my walk today. Sometimes in our lives it seems like difficult times are more abundant. He is with us during these difficult times. Give all the praise to Him! God bless!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Thanks, Lori, for your comment. Yes, give all the praise to Him. I’m glad this encouraged you, and I love how God gives us what we need, right when we need it. God bless you!


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