162. How to Stay Fully Present on Memorable Days

by | Sep 10, 2024 | Podcast

Ten days ago, our son got married. As you can guess, it was a big day in our world. As we prepared for his and his fiancé’s wedding, I also did some preparing on my own. For me. If you’ve been around here for any length of time, you know I’ve missed some important moments in my life. I was physically present, but maybe not mentally or emotionally present. I’ve learned from my mistakes, and now I desire for you and me and every woman on the planet to live undistracted lives. To stay fully present, not just in the big, memorable days but in the everyday kind of days as well.

How to Stay Fully Present on Memorable Days | flower decorated tan chairs lined up for an outdoor wedding

So every chance I get, I share how to do that and how I’m personally doing that. I share my mistakes and also what I do to live fully present in this life God has given me to live. John 10:10 states how Jesus came to give us joy-filled and abundant lives, yet so many of us are missing it. A number of us are missing priceless moments happening in front of us because we’re distracted–by our own thoughts, by external factors, by our internal dialog, you name it. Distractions are plentiful these days.

But friend, we don’t have to live this way.

We don’t have to allow the distractions in our lives to run and rule our lives. Our lives are too important to live them distracted.

I share in this episode how I prepared myself for this memorable day. Because I knew there would be distractions that would try to entice me away from what was important. Some of my preparation may make sense to you, and some may surprise you. But what I did worked. I was able to stay fully present all day long.

Click on the player above to listen to the full 20-minute episode.

Preparing ourselves to stay fully present is key.

When you’re preparing for a memorable day–or any day, for that matter–I invite you to try what I did to prepare for our son’s wedding. I suggest to pray, to ask advice from those who’ve been in your shoes before, to refuse to be distracted, and to give yourself permission to have a ton of fun. Friend, our lives are too important to live them distracted. I’m cheering you on and I’m grateful for you. God bless you!

Links in this episode:

Encouragement for Real Life Podcast, Episode 162, How to Stay Fully Present on Memorable Days
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