157. How to Overcome the Distraction of Multitasking

by | Aug 6, 2024 | Podcast

Do you multitask? Today’s episode is the final episode in our “Big Five” series, featuring what I call the “Big Five” distractions. I discuss them in length in my book, Right Now Matters, but over the course of the last number of weeks, we’ve been peering into them and how we can address and overcome them in our lives. Today’s distraction is one many people don’t believe is a distraction. In fact, women have challenged me on my take of it. This is the distraction of multitasking.

How to Overcome the Distraction of Multitasking | woman sitting at desk, one hand on laptop keyboard, the other hand holding her phone while she's speaking into it

Distractions rob us of life.

We know this, right? Distractions pull us away from what’s important to focus on lesser things. We know distractions keep us from living the abundant life Jesus came to give us. Multitasking is one of the sneakiest distractions because many of us do it and don’t realize how harmful it is.

I was taught somewhere along the way that if I wanted to be more efficient and effective, I should multitask–do more than one thing at a time. So, I did. And I got good at it. I thought this was my answer to get more done in my day. Little did I know how I was taxing my brain and causing confusion while creating discomfort to my mental health.

Our brains are not designed to focus on more than one thing at a time. God did not wire them that way. Multitaskers believe they are able to do two or more things at any given time, but in fact, they are actually switching from one task to another rapidly. Even if it may seem they are working on tasks simultaneously.

I share what happens in our brains and in our lives when we multitask, and some tangible steps to overcome this distraction.

Click on the player above to listen to the 15-minute episode.

This distraction of multitasking is not our friend.

As we trust God to help us overcome this distraction of multitasking, as well as the others, we won’t live a perfect life. But we will cling to Him knowing we can’t live the abundant life Jesus came to give us on our own. That’s the secret to living as what I call a Right-Now Woman. A Right-Now Woman is one who does all she can to embrace the right-now moment to receive all she has for her right now. So we are Right-Now Women because right now matters.

Thanks for tuning in today, friend. God bless you.

Links in this episode:

Encouragement for Real Life Podcast, Episode 157, How to Overcome the Distraction of Multitasking
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