Have you ever caught yourself believing something that’s just not true? Just the other day I caught myself believing the lie that because I wasn’t attending a certain event that my friends are attending that they would forget about me. Good grief! That fear of missing out is real, isn’t it?! I know this is a lie, and that’s exactly what the enemy of our souls wants us to believe: lies. In this episode we stop this madness by learning how to recognize and combat lies from the enemy, and how to stand firm in truth, instead.

We may not like to think about it much, but we have an enemy. The Bible describes this enemy, the devil, in varying ways, including one who is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. In John 8:44, it tells us that he speaks his native language for he is a liar and the father of lies. So, it’s no wonder this father of lies is a master at planting words that aren’t true in our minds, enticing us to believe them.
Why does this matter?
Because God’s Word also tells us that our thoughts matter. What we believe matters. Proverbs 4:23 GNT reminds us, “Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts.” What we think, we believe. And what we believe, we live out. So if we’re believing the thoughts we think, and they aren’t based on truth, we end up living out the lies we believe.
The thing is, these lies sound like our own thoughts or emotions. The enemy is so sneaky and crafty that we often can’t tell the difference when we hear the lies in our own minds or feel them in our emotions. Remember back in episode 183 when we discussed how following your heart is not the best choice in life? This plays into that reality. Our hearts aren’t always filled with truth when they follow our thoughts that aren’t filled with truth.
These lies affect us more than we realize.
We can identify and combat lies from the enemy.
Click on the player above to listen to the full 20-minute episode and learn how to identify and combat these lies.
The enemy tries to keep us from living the abundant life Jesus came to give us, but He will not win. When we identify and combat lies from this enemy, we take the power away from him. You and I aren’t in this battle alone, and victory comes through our hope, Jesus. Stay encouraged.
Links in this episode:
- 1 Peter 5:8 NIV
- Episode 183, Why Following Your Heart Is Not the Best Choice
- Armor of God, Ephesians 6:10-18 NIV
- Access my Abundant Life Mentoring here
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