189. How to Find Peace in the Storms of Life

by | Mar 18, 2025 | Podcast

Plenty of people in my life right now are weathering storms. Not storms necessarily in the weather, but more physical, emotional, and spiritual storms. I’m guessing you have people in your life that are doing the same. And quite possibly, you could be one of these people. Jesus warned us that we would have trouble in this life, and boy was He ever right. The storms of life are some of the biggest troubles we face. But you know what Jesus also said in that very same verse? He said to take heart because He has overcome the world. We’re discussing this in today’s episode as we continue on the theme of having an anchor for our lives. He is our anchor who keeps us steady when we’re overwhelmed in the storms of life. This episode is filled with God’s hope and promise, and I pray you find encouragement for your real life right now through it.

How to Find Peace in the Storms of Life | woman standing with arms extended in field with storm clouds approaching

Like you, I’ve had my fair share of life’s storms, and I paused to look back on some of them as I was preparing for this episode. What’s been the most difficult life storm you’ve experienced? I share one of the biggest I’ve experienced and how it nearly wiped me out. But…

God was bigger than that storm and has been in every storm in my life since.

Storms of life affect us all through different seasons of life. They come often when we least expect them, and they appear in varying forms such as loss, financial hardship, relationship struggles, illness, and real-life disappointments. They don’t play favorites and they don’t play nice. I’ve heard it said we’re either coming out from a storm, are in the middle of one, or one is just upon the horizon. That sounds cheerful and hopeful, doesn’t it?

But this is life. We live in a fallen world so we will experience fallen circumstances. None of us are immune to them, even though we wish we were. But we can still have hope in them.

Friend, you are not alone in the storms of life.

I share a some biblical examples that display this truth to remind us and to encourage our hearts, plus some tangible things we can do to weather the storms of life.

Click on the player above to listen to the full 19-minute episode.

Friend, be encouraged in any storm you may be walking through. Invite God into it, and watch how He strengthens you and gives you His peace. Trust He is walking with you through it. Share this with a friend who needs this encouragement today.

God bless you.

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Encouragement for Real Life Podcast, Episode 189, How to Find Peace in the Storms of Life
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Julie Lefebure
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Encouragement for Real Life Podcast, Episode 189, How to Find Peace in the Storms of Life
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Facing one of life's storms?

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