91. How To Avoid Living Life On Empty

by | May 2, 2023 | Podcast

Believe it or not, we are venturing into one of the most hectic seasons of the year. For a number of reasons, late spring, namely the month of May, can be a bustling time for many of us. Spring activities, the school year ending, graduations and grad parties, Mother’s Day, deadlines and commitments. You name it. Not to mention those of us who are in charge of organizing some of these things! If we’re not careful, we can get just as overwhelmed this month as many of us do during the Christmas season. So, we’re discussing this in today’s episode, because this is important. We want to embrace life in this season, not live life on empty, right?

How to Avoid Living Life on Empty | water pitcher in woman's hand pouring water into a drinking glass

May and June are my favorite months of the year. But it’s also the time of year where we can begin to live life on empty, without even knowing it. We can begin to go and go and go, without ever pausing to replenish ourselves or giving ourselves a break. Simply because we think we have too much to do. Who can possibly take a break now?? In this season?

Well, I have a new thought for us. Now is the time to take more breaks than we think we can afford. Not monetarily afford, but with our time. Planning our breaks now before we get immersed in the season will help us in the long run.

What do I mean?

Well, just for a moment, imagine you are a pitcher full of water.

We use one in our home. Maybe you do, too. Imagine you are a full pitcher. Full to the brim. Not one more drop could fit in. If you tried to add more, you would overflow. You feel great when youโ€™re filled to the top. You are flourishing and thriving as you are chock-full. And that’s a good thing!

But you werenโ€™t made to just stay filled up, right? No. Water pitchers not only hold water, but they are designed to pour water out. They are designed to fill up other containers with water. And thatโ€™s what you do in life. You pour out whatโ€™s inside into the lives of others and in what you do daily. 

But what happens to a water pitcher when it keeps pouring and pouring and pouring? Well, soon it becomes empty. The pitcher runs dry. And the thing is, a water pitcher doesn’t do much good when it’s empty. Itโ€™s not doing what itโ€™s designed to do sitting empty.

Consequently, the same goes with us.

The key to avoid living life on empty is to refill before we get empty.

We must fill ourselves back up.

But how? I share some ways to do that, how I choose to fill myself back up, and we explore a few Bible verses to point us in the right direction.

Click on the player above to listen to the full 15-minute episode.

Take time today to refill yourself, or at least schedule it in the days to come. You are too important to live life on empty. I’m cheering you on today, friend. God bless you!

Links in this episode:

Encouragement for Real Life Podcast, Episode 91, How to Avoid Living Life on Empty
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