164. Hope Amid the Struggles of Life with Julie Sunne

by | Sep 24, 2024 | Podcast

Recently I had a beautiful and life-giving conversation with fellow Iowan, Julie Sunne. Julie is an author, a lover of the outdoors, she writes about finding hope amid life’s struggles, is a mom and wife and she shines bright for Jesus in this world. Julie’s stories and words impacted me so, and I believe they will impact and encourage you, too. No matter where you find yourself in life today.

Hope Amid the Struggles of Life with Julie Sunne

Click on the player above to listen to the full 38-minute episode.

I appreciated how Julie openly shares about her own real-life struggles and how God met her in them. She makes me feel like I’m not alone in mine, and she points me to the hope I have in Jesus. How did her words encourage you?

Julie Sunne helps us to remember we aren’t alone in our struggles.

She reminds us we don’t have to walk through this life–or what we go through–by ourselves.

Friend, remain encouraged today. Stay close to God. Remember Julie’s stories of hope and promise. If God met her in her circumstances, He will meet you in yours. I am praying for you today and am cheering you on. God bless you.

Links in this episode:

Encouragement for Real Life Podcast, Episode 16 with Julie Sunne

Julie Sunne writes about finding real hope amid life’s real struggles. Her own struggles include enduring multiple miscarriages and now caregiving for her adult daughter who has significant intellectual disabilities. Julie is the author of Everyday Praise: Walking in Greater Peace (2016) and Sometimes I Forget: 60 Reminders of Hope for Your Hard Days. Her writing has also been featured in print devotionals by Proverbs 31 Ministries and Guideposts; Celebrate Life magazine; Proverbs 31 Ministries’ Encouragement for Today email devotions; several online sites; and on her blog at www.juliesunne.com. Julie enjoys homemade Chai tea lattes, dark chocolate, playing board and card games, and doing almost anything outside. She and her husband, David, are parents to three grown sons and a daughter, and reside with their daughter in rural northeast Iowa.

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