His Indescribable Presence

by | Jun 14, 2011 | Serving

I know Jesus is with me every moment of every day.  There’s never a time when He’s not with me.  I’m so thankful for this.  But there have been times in my life that I have experienced His presence in a mighty way within me and around me.  It’s an indescribable feeling.  I notice it immediately, and try to soak up every second of it.  When this happens, I experience a strength and a joy that is incomparable to anything else.  Call me strange, but it almost feels like I’m “glowing.”   

Yesterday I experienced another one of those times that Jesus’ presence was so strong.  It was during our Mission of Hope Worship Service.  Our “house band,” The Ragamuffins led worship with music and song.  I am blessed to be a part of this group.  We were a couple members short, which was much noticed by me.  But instead of sounding like we were missing members, it seemed as if God “filled in the gaps,” so to speak.  What I heard coming out of the monitors was beautiful music…was anointed music…was glorifying music.  It was an incredible experience for me!  I wish I could describe it…how it sounded and how it felt!  I can’t seem to come up with any words to do it justice.  It was as if every song became stronger and stronger…I had goosebumps most of the time. 

I was also honored and blessed to give the message yesterday at our Worship Service.  I mentioned that in an earlier post on Saturday.  Ali and one of  her facebook posts was my inspiration for the message. 🙂  I knew without a doubt God had given me the subject, the scripture, and exactly what to say.  And it was confirmed to me, not only yesterday throughout the message, but also in a daily devotional today from Chuck Swindoll.  I felt as I was giving the message, that my feet weren’t touching the ground!  God gave me such incredible joy!  I really enjoy sharing at the Mission like that…and being used by God like that! 

He has grown me so much…I used to fear talking in front of people, but He continues to grow me in that area…through my Mary Kay business and experience, and through my experiences at Mission of Hope.  And I used to fear singing in front of people even more!  The butterflies are still there, but I now see how joy has replaced the fear I used to feel.  When I faced one of the biggest fears I had last year at a Kernel’s baseball game, and I sang the National Anthem on the field before the game began, God did something in me.  Singing ever since that night has been an incredible experience for me.  I’m just realizing this now as I write about it.  God can do amazing things when we put aside our fear, and face it with Him head-on.  I’m proof of that and His faithfulness in this area and in so many areas in my life.  I’m so humbled and thankful at this very moment.  To Him be all the glory!

I found a gift in today’s reading from my devotional “Jesus Calling”…
“I am creating something new in you:  a bubbling spring of Joy that spills over into others’ lives.  Do not mistake this Joy for your own or try to take credit for it in any way.  Instead, watch in delight as My Spirit flows through you to bless others.  Let yourself become a reservoir of the Spirit’s fruit. 

Your part is to live close to Me, open to all that I am doing in you.  Don’t try to control the streaming of My Spirit through you.  Just keep focusing on Me as we walk through this day together.  Enjoy My presence, which permeates you with Love, Joy, and Peace.”

I’m in complete and total awe.  Thanks be to God!

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