He Hears Us

by | Aug 26, 2014 | Love God

Psalm 116:1-2

Why was I surprised?

I had been asking God to answer my prayer.

It was a simple one.

“Father God, if you want me to do this, then please open the door. If you don’t, then shut it. But I’d really love for you to open it wide.”

I prayed it for days. The days turned into weeks.

So why was I so surprised when He answered, and the door flew wide open?

Loud and clear. There was no guessing, no questioning. He did it all. I intentionally stayed out of His way. I didn’t want to mess up His plans or His timing. I’ve been known to do that a time or two, or twelve.

I was not only surprised, I was elated.

“Thank you, God! Thank you for knowing my heart’s desire, for hearing me, and for answering me!”

I haven’t stopped thanking Him since.

Am I the only one who is taken back when God answers a prayer in a way that my heart desired? Am I?

I’ve watched Him answer my prayers countless times before. From these experiences, He has shown me He’ll answer… quite possibly not in the way I had hoped, but always according to His plans and His purposes. He knows what’s best for me, and I can trust Him.

Maybe I become surprised because it still humbles me to my knees that the One who created me and everything I see, stoops down and hears my plain, simple, transparent words. I marvel at such blessed reality.

He hears me.

And, you know? He hears you.

Our prayers do not fall on deaf ears. He hears and He cares.

That’s enough right there to cause me to worship God in reverence and awe.

Friend, what is on your heart? What have you been praying for? Don’t give up talking with God and asking Him to answer.

And if you’re not used to talking with Him, take whatever is on your heart and start there. Tell Him your heart’s desire (He already knows), and ask Him to answer according to His plans. Be persistent. He’ll answer in His timing.

May we pray as long as we have breath, because God, our Heavenly Father, hears us.

What a humbling and beautiful truth to celebrate today!

Bless you, friend!



Linking up with #TestimonyTuesday at Holly Barrett‘s.


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  1. Holly Barrett

    No, you are not the only one who is surprised! I used to have some prayer partners who would always say, “why do we even bother to worry?” because we would be concerned about something, pray about it and He always answered!! 🙂 So glad that God’s voice is heard so clearly in your life, friend. And thanks for linking up at Testimony Tuesday!

    • Julie

      Holly, I’m glad I’m not the only one. Yes, why do we even bother to worry?? Great question! So thankful God is personal and powerful in every part of our lives. Thank your for Testimony Tuesday! It’s always a joy to be a part of it all! Thanks, friend!

  2. Joanne Viola

    Julie, I read Jonah 2 this morning. I love that your post confirmed to me what God had already impressed upon me – He hears and responds to our prayers. From no matter where we may be. From the middle of the storms of life – He hears us. And Jonah concluded, “For my salvation comes from the Lord alone.” (Jonah 2:10). Blessings!

    • Julie

      Joanne, I love the account of Jonah. God has taught me much through him and his life. I’m so pleased God confirmed what He already impressed on you yesterday morning! I love it when He does that! Thank you for sharing that here. What a gift to me today. Thank you for coming by. It’s always a joy to have you here! Have a great day!


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