“Forget about what’s happened! Don’t keep going over old history. Be alert! Be present! I’m about to do something brand new. It’s bursting out. Don’t you see it? There it is! I’m making a road in the desert and rivers in the badlands.” Isaiah 43:18-19 The Message
Happy 2011!
As I layed my head on my pillow last night, I marveled still at the fact that 2010 was coming to a close. (I did not see the new year come in, as my sinuses were getting the best of me, and I was falling asleep next to Bill as we attempted to watch Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve on t.v.) “How could 2010 have gone by so quickly?”, I questioned.
It was good for me to recapture and share in a post yesterday all God did in my life last year. I was amazed as I put it all in words. I thanked Him also last night for His goodness, grace and love through it all.
For months, the above scripture has been placed before me. Last spring I felt God put in my heart His Words, “I’m doing a new thing.” He also placed similar words in Tina’s heart in the same week. I wish you could have heard the squeals from our mouths, and seen the light bulbs turning on in our minds as we realized we were both “told” something so similar by God! 🙂 Tina brought it to my attention that these Words were scriptural! We both new this was God’s confirmation to each of us as we were together facing changes in our lives as was God calling both of us to step into a much bigger role at Mission of Hope. What an encouragement! What a gift!
This scripture has been put before me again very recently. Tina gave the message at Mission of Hope last Sunday, on my birthday, and again used this scripture as the basis for her message. Tina brought it to my attention that it was the “scripture of the day” on my blog yesterday (chosen by Bible Gateway–not me). AND as I read this morning Beth Moore’s blog post from the 26th (again my birthday), she referenced this same scripture in it!!!!
This is no sort of coincidence…God has gotten my attention! #1 because it’s scriptural, #2 becausse it’s coming to me from multiple sources, #3 because it seems so personal to me, coming to me on and near my birthday multiple times! God is confirming to me that He is doing a NEW thing! Now, I may not know yet what this NEW thing is, but I’m excited to wait, watch, and walk this journey out to see what He reveals to me! This is going to be a NEW year…in more than just being 2011! Can you tell I’m just a little bit excited?!
Could God be wanting to do something NEW in your life this year? Are you open to Him doing so? I think we’ve all heard the definition of insanity…doing the same thing in the same way and expecting different results. Are there changes we need/want to make? As we walk through 2011 together, I pray God reveals Himself to all of us in ways that we will know it’s Him, and Him only! I thank you for being a part of my life, and I’m looking forward to journeying though 2011 with you! 🙂

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