Happy 2021! New Year, A New Word, And New Goals

by | Jan 1, 2021 | #connect2021

Hello, 2021! Happy New Year to you, friend!

Happy 2021! A New Year, a New Word, and New Goals!

I realize nothing magical happened as we flipped the calendar last night (or this morning). Yes, I’m living the same life, during a pandemic, in the same location, with the same amazing people around me. Nothing really has physically changed, except for adding a number 1 to the year.

But, I believe something has changed within me.

You, too? I’m one who loves a fresh start, a clean slate, a new perspective. And a new year gives me all of that. I appreciate opening up a new planner with fresh, clean, untouched pages. I look forward to jotting thoughts down in a brand-new journal for 2021. Likewise, I am thankful for the new opportunities that await me on this adventure with my God. I certainly get excited about a new year!

Especially after the year we just experienced. 2020 was challenging, difficult, and exhausting on so many levels. Maybe, this year more than ever, I’m looking for that fresh, new beginning. Maybe you are, too.

A number of years ago I began the practice of choosing a word for the year.

Do you do this? Do you choose a #oneword for the new year? I appreciate the process of finding one, and actually, it thrills me a bit when I discover it. My process involves prayer, intentionality, discernment, and openness. As a result, God never fails in pointing me to one single word that illuminates hope for the year ahead.

My past words have been:

2014 – JOURNEY
2015 – IMPACT
2016 – BELIEVE
2017 – LIVE
2019 – REVIVE
2020 – OPEN

So, this year’s word (drumroll please) is (are you ready?)… CONNECT.

My word for 2021 is CONNECT.


connect :: to join, link, or fasten together; unite or bind; to establish communication between; have as an accompanying or associated feature; to associate mentally or emotionally

I won’t begin to try to assume how this world will play out in the year. (I was dead wrong with OPEN last year, except for the reality that I was forced to be more open than I ever expected to be.) But, God guided me to this word in an unmistakable way. So I will just trust He will use it to encourage me, prompt me, move me, challenge me, and bless me through it and with it throughout the year.

I also spend some time searching for a Bible verse to go along with my word. Here is one that encourages me and highlights CONNECT:

Abide in Me, and I will abide in you. A branch cannot bear fruit if it is disconnected from the vine, and neither will you if you are not connected to Me.

John 15:4 VOICE

What’s your word for 2021? If you chose one, I’d love to encourage you in it throughout the year!

What about goals or resolutions for 2021?

Do you set goals or resolutions for yourself? I stopped setting outcome goals and resolutions a number of years ago. Because I ended up feeling defeated and discouraged if I missed the goals or didn’t keep the resolutions. Who needs reasons to feel bad? Not me. So my goals look differently now. My goals for 2021 are “process” goals:

  • Actively participate in an accountability group for my writing.
  • Connect with what I enjoy by writing something every day.
  • Connect with others through encouraging posts on social media.
  • Remain connected to God through prayer and Bible study.
  • Connect with myself by living healthy, journaling, reading, seeing myself more as God sees me.
  • Saying no to things that don’t bring me joy.

I’ll likely add to these or change them if necessary throughout the year. So, friend, what are your goals/resolutions for 2021? I’d sure love to encourage you in them!

Since it’s the first day of this new year, would you pray with me?

Father God, You are sovereign, majestic, and amazing in all Your ways. Thank You for this new year, 2021. We look back over 2020, and we are grateful for Your presence in our lives. It was a hard year, however You never left us, and You didn’t abandon us. No, You were with us every single moment of every single day. Thank You. So, we trust You will be with us in every moment of 2021. We look ahead with great anticipation of this new year. Father, we ask that You will draw us close to You. Help us to keep our eyes fixed on You and Your will for our lives. We ask for Your peace, Your presence, and Your provision this year. Consequently, may You be glorified in all we think, all we say, and all we do. Thank You in advance for new opportunities to share You and Your light with others. We trust You in 2021, and we love You so very much. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Happy New Year, friend. I’m grateful we get to journey through this life together. Much love to you!

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  1. Kim

    I really like your word. Mine is Prepare. I don’t understand it yet, but have a bit of trepidation when I try to. So, I need to remember what I’m bringing into this year from last, God goes w me. Always.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Kim, I like your word, too! I believe God will use our words for our good and for His glory! You are so wise to bring with you into the new year what you learned in 2020!


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