Fifteen years ago today God blessed us with a wonderful son! It’s hard to believe Zach could possibly be 15 today! These years have gone by very quickly. I can only imagine how fast the next 15 will go!
I remember the day well…it was as beautiful as today. We had a Easter egg hunt at our home on the farm. We had a few of Ali’s friends over with their moms. I wasn’t feeling well at all. Contractions began middle of the afternoon, and we got to the hospital around 4:30ish, if I remember correctly. Our beautiful baby boy was born at 10:28pm. He was perfect in every way.
Here’s what I wrote about him last year on his birthday…
God has blessed Zach in many ways, and has blessed our family through him. I eagerly wait to see what God’s plan for Zach’s life is. I just know it’ll be great! And I know no matter what it is, Zach will do it with excellence!
I couldn’t be more proud of Zach. He is a good kid, treats others with respect and kindness, and loves the Lord. He works hard at all he does. He’s a good student, a good athlete, and a good vocalist. He’s a great son, and I love him so very much!
Zach, whenever you read this, I want to tell you again how glad I am God gave me you as a son. It’s an honor to be your mom. You make me very proud! No matter how old you get, you will always be my “baby boy.” I love you more than my words can express. Thanks for being who you are and for living your life the way you do…honoring God with it. As your mom, I continue to pray for God’s will for your life daily. May He bless you in abundance in the years ahead. I love you #1 son!
Happy Birthday Buddy! Love, Mom

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