I am so very thankful this morning.
Last night I set my alarm for 5:00 a.m. for this morning. As I was last night, I could it raining outside. The passing thought ran through my mind, “I hope we don’t lose electricity through the night…my alarm wouldn’t go off.”
Well sure enough, that’s what happened. But I think God’s alarm clock woke me up! I rolled over this morning and my clock read 5:00. I wondered why my alarm wasn’t going off. I sat up on the edge of the bed, and grabbed my phone to see if that was the correct time. It wasn’t. My phone read 5:50… EXACTLY the time I was to wake up Ali for her to get to school early today. I couldn’t believe it! What are the chances of waking up EXACTLY at the time I was to wake up Ali? If it would have been any later, she would have been late. Needless to say, I thanked God right there.
I still have time to get myself ready, and to take a few minutes to share here. I’m looking forward to seeing what else God is going to do today. I’m sure I’ll see Him in all sorts of ways! 🙂 I have BSF this morning, our BSF fellowship afterwards, two meetings at Mission of Hope, then will hang out at school until Zach is done with soccer practice. It’s going to be a great day!
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