In our study of Genesis this year in Bible Study Fellowship, we are in week 2.
We are still studying God as Creator, and how and what He created in the first days of creation. No matter how many times I have studied the account of creation, I continue to be awed by it and awed by God.
What has impacted me this week has been God Himself.
Genesis 1 points us to God. Creation itself is proof that God exists.
He has no origin.
He is eternal.
He is first in all things, above all things.
He is unchangeable.
He is beyond all we know.
He is personal, relational.
He chooses to be made known – thru His creation, thru His Word, thru Jesus Christ.
He is sovereign.
He is all-powerful.
He is limitless.
He is a triune…God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.
It’s good to pause and think about truly who God is!
God spoke things into being, and they came to be. He can do anything He wants to. Nothing is too hard for God to do.
And the cool thing is, the Creator of the universe and everything we see, formed me in my mother’s womb and loves me. (He loves you too!)
What a great thought to end my day on today!

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