Friend, You Are Incomparable

by | Oct 14, 2015 | 31 Days Celebrating Who You Are

Do not compare yourself. Find out what God has placed in your ability. –Emmitt Smith

Someone was always prettier, skinnier, more talented.

Someone could always speak clearer, perform better, do more.

Someone had an easier life, a stronger support system, more going for her.

For years I majored in comparing myself to others.

I did it as if it was my job.

It’s no wonder I began to see each woman as “the competition.” My competitive nature thrived on participating in such mind games, out to prove I was better than my “competition.”

Except I rarely won in my mind. I usually fell short.

And falling short led me down a long path which landed me at the destination of an inferior self-image and a messed-up self-worth.

As far as I knew, no one ever realized I played such games in my mind. No one knew I was sizing up myself next to them or another. I don’t believe anyone caught on to my comparison habit.

But I did. And so did God.

He didn’t let me get away with it for too long. He used people, and circumstances of life to open my eyes to the truth. The truth about who He made me to be, who He made others to be, and the truth that life wasn’t meant to be a game of comparisons.

My life was to be about loving God and loving others as I loved myself.

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ Matthew 22:37-39

It wasn’t an easy lesson to experience, believe me, but it’s one that transformed my life and how I now view others.

God desired more for me, and He desires more for you, too.

I pray you’ve never been caught in this awful trap… the habit of comparing yourself to another. But if you have, or if you’re realizing you’re in the thick of it now, could God possibly be bringing it to your attention? As He did to mine?

A few days ago we celebrated here how each of us is wonderfully made. If God wanted us to be someone else, He would have created us that way. He made each of us unique. Think of your voice, your hair, your eye color, your handwriting, your fingerprints. No one has exactly the same of any of these features as you.

You are incomparable.

You truly are one-of-a-kind. And that, my friend, is something to celebrate!

So why would we feel the need to compare? We’re all in this life together. And when we each play our own part, life becomes a beautiful masterpiece.

No need to compare yourself

There’s no need to compare yourself when you have the fingerprints of your magnificent Creator all over you.

And in case you might need one more reason not to compare yourself, may this serve as another:

For we would never dare to compare ourselves with people who have based their worth on self-commendation. They check themselves against and compare themselves with one another. It just shows that they don’t have any sense! 2 Corinthians 10:12

I’m celebrating and appreciating our incomparable selves today. Won’t you join me??

Much love,



It’s Day 14 of 31 Days #CelebratingWhoYouAre. I pray you are strengthened and encouraged today to celebrate how incomparable you really are. As always, it’s a blessing to have you here! Linking this post up with Jennifer for #TellHisStory and Holley for Coffee For Your Heart.

31 Days Celebrating Who You Are

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  1. Dianne Thornton

    I love this! Especially, “There’s no need to compare yourself when you have the fingerprints of your magnificent Creator all over you.” And then to see Paul’s comments. The comparison game has been going on a long, long time.

    Julie, I was scrolling through your post titles … wow! This is the place for encouragement!!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hello, Dianne! Thank you. So many of us struggle with comparing. It’s a great truth to remember every day about His fingerprints being all over each one of us. Hoping it’ll stick for us all. Blessings to you, friend!

  2. Valerie Sisco

    Hi Julie,
    I’m your neighbor at Holley’s link-up today but so glad that I am! These words spoke volumes to me because I feel like I have a constant thin-skinned running conversation going on in my head that seems to measure myself against what everyone else is doing, has or is going — and it’s exhausting! I love your words that we have the fingerprints of the creator all over us and how true that is if we can inscribe these words on our hearts! Grateful for your words today!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Valerie! Yes, it’s exhausting, isn’t it? You’re not the only one. I pray God helps us to stop this madness, and encourages us through the power of His Holy Spirit to live our lives embracing who we are for His sake. Praying for us all! Thanks for coming over and sharing!

  3. Becky

    Oh, how often I have been in this place! Somehow I seem so good at saying the right words, but not letting them sink deep into me. It’s good to hear truth from someone else who has been there! Visiting from Tell His Story!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Becky! I’m thankful we can encourage one another through God’s truth. Glad we can travel this road together. I appreciate you and your words here!

  4. Kristine

    Beautiful Julie! Can I have your permission to quote this post in the manuscript I’m currently working on? I’d love to share your wonderful thoughts on letting go of comparison in the book:) Blessings, friend!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Kristine! Sure, you can quote this post. I’m excited for you and for the manuscript you’re working on. Keep me posted on your progress if you think of it. I’ll be cheering you on. Thanks for coming by and sharing, friend!

  5. Tara

    It’s so easy to get caught up in the comparison game. So much THIS: “There’s no need to compare yourself when you have the fingerprints of your magnificent Creator all over you.”

    • Julie Lefebure

      Yes it is, Tara. Too easy. I appreciate you, friend!

  6. Sarah Donegan

    Yes someone is always better than me in all areas, but someone is also worse. I am who I am, right here and right now, for a reason. Hallelujah!



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Julie Lefebure
No need to compare yourself
31 Days Celebrating Who You Are
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