Friend, You Are Gifted

by | Oct 10, 2015 | 31 Days Celebrating Who You Are

What are you good at?

What comes just naturally to you?

Maybe you can cook a mean meal, and you enjoy doing so.

Or maybe you’re one who can sing more than just in the shower, but in public on a stage. And you love doing it.

Are you good at sewing and creating?

Do you enjoy working with numbers and balancing accounts?

Maybe you love to write, and you might even venture to say you’re good at it.

We each have been given a gift.

gift :: a special ability or capacity; natural endowment; talent

Some of us have been given a few. Some of us know exactly what it is/they are, yet some of us might not even believe we’re good at anything.

If you fall in the latter category, yes friend, you are good at something. I encourage you to take a look at the things you enjoy doing. Pay attention to what others say you’re good at, and better yet, ask someone who knows you well.

I was told I was good at encouraging people before I realized I did that often, and enjoyed doing it. Others told me I had a gift to write before I saw it.

Sometimes the people around us see it before we do.

You have a gift, and it’s a good one.

God gave it to you, and He desires for you to use it to glorify Him.

And the really cool thing is, there’s someone in your life who needs the gift that only you can give.

God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. 1 Peter 4:10

Yes, no one can do what you’ve been gifted to do. No one has your style, your knack, your way with things. No one has your exact perspective, your experience, your life.

Unique and special gift

Your gift is unique as you.

Not only have you been blessed with gifts and talents, but you also have a spiritual gift.

Since our gifts vary depending on the grace poured out on each of us, it is important that we exercise the gifts we have been given. If prophecy is your gift, then speak as a prophet according to your proportion of faith. If service is your gift, then serve well. If teaching is your gift, then teach well. If you have been given a voice of encouragement, then use it often. If giving is your gift, then be generous. If leading, then be eager to get started. If sharing God’s mercy, then be cheerful in sharing it. Romans 12:6-8

I can’t tell you what that gift is. By taking a few moments to do some researching, you’ll be able to figure it out, or someone in your life can help you do so. There are many free online resources to help shed light on your spiritual gift. If that’s not an option for you, try one at a time the areas in the above passage to see which one you enjoy most. You’ll know when you find yours.

I’d love to learn what your gifts and talents are. Would you mind sharing them? How can you bless another by using your gift(s) today? How can you glorify God through them?

Celebrate this beautiful part of who you are. I’m celebrating you!

Much love,


Day 10 of 31 Days #CelebratingWhoYouAre, and it’s been a great journey so far! Glad we’re traveling buddies on this trip! (Linking this post with Barbie & friends at Weekend Whispers.)

31 Days Celebrating Who You Are

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  1. Andrew Budek-Schmeisser

    I’ve always been fortunate in that I can do a number of things quite well.

    Can’t sing, though. When I try, the dogs sing louder to drown me out.

    • Julie Lefebure

      You’re still gifted, Andrew. Especially in your writing! I’d love to hear those dogs sing! Bless you, brother!

  2. Tara

    This is been the case for me too: “I was told I was good at encouraging people before I realized I did that often, and enjoyed doing it. Others told me I had a gift to write before I saw it.” I am good at writing poetry and telling stories.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Yes you are, friend! So glad you share your gifts with us all. Have a blessed day!

  3. Carrie

    I love this. My oldest daughter completely surprised me by saying I was “approachable” and “always upbeat and smiling”. I never would’ve described myself like that. It’s made me stop and think. And it’s reminded me of an old nickname my grandmother gave me. Maybe not necessarily a gift but it is interesting to ask others how they see you 🙂

    • Julie Lefebure

      Carrie, how wonderful! What a gift to be told those things. This made me think to ask others what they see in me. I was surprised and blessed at some of the answers I received. I appreciate you sharing yours here! Bless you and yours!



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Julie Lefebure
Unique and special gift
31 Days Celebrating Who You Are
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I got you! (Or my son, Zach, does.)

His words will encourage your heart and spur you on. They certainly did me! 🙌

Thanks, Zach (@zachcaptures)!

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I'm @julielefebure, and I'm here to help women live the abundant lives Jesus came to give them.

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Life is too important to live it any other way.

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A short snippet is below. Find the full episode wherever you listen to podcasts or in the comments.

Stay encouraged!

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