Have you ever felt like you were floundering?
I just checked out Dictionary.com for the definition of that word, as I thought in doing so it might give me some clarity in how I’ve been feeling. The words “to struggle clumsily or helplessly” came up on my screen.
Yes, I guess that’s how I’ve been feeling.
As I shared in last Saturday’s post, God is moving me. I almost have a sense of how Abraham (Abram) felt. Well, maybe, but I probably really have no clue how he felt. But I’m reminded of what I read in Genesis 12 when God called him to leave his country and go to a place unknown.
I feel like I’m going to a place unknown. For the last thirteen years, I’ve known where my family and I worship God. I’ve know where we were called to serve. I’ve known wonderful people whom I served and served alongside of. And for the last almost five years, I’ve known where my “workplace” was. All of that is changing in a few weeks.
This floundering is familiar to me, as it’s the same way I felt when God called me out of a previous place of serving Him. But even though I’ve experienced it before, and even though the circumstances were different, it isn’t any more comfortable.
But in times like this, I’m centering myself on what I know. I’m grounding myself on what God has revealed to me.
I know God loves me.
I know God has a plan for my life.
And I know it’s a good plan…it’s one not to harm me but to give me a hope and a future.
I know God has called me to leave Mission of Hope, and He wouldn’t have done that if He doesn’t have something better for me.
I know God will take care of me and my family.
I know He will never leave me and never forsake me.
I know He’s sees everything and He will make things right according to His purpose.
I know He’s with me always.
I know He allows me to experience trials to grow my faith.
I know He doesn’t go back on His Word.
I know He can be trusted.
I know He is the God of truth and order, not of deceit and confusion.
I know He is sovereign and in control of all things.
And I know that even during this unpredictable time, I can rest in His care.
As I read back on what I know, I have such peace…even in the unknown.
Could it be that you’re floundering in an area of your life? If so, take a look at and reflect on what you know, and allow that to be your encouragement when you can’t see the outcome or what’s ahead. And if you believe God’s Word is true like I do, you’ll find such comfort as you search the scriptures and find what you need to center your life on. Ask God to encourage your heart, and get ready…He’ll do that for you and more.
Happy Wednesday, friends!

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