It feels good to join my Five Minute Friday friends again this week at our Thursday night Five Minute Friday Party (#fmfparty)!! Goodness, I’ve missed them.
This is when we each write for five minutes on a one word prompt, as we let the words fly through our fingers. With no concern for spelling, grammar, etc. It’s freeing. It’s fun. It blesses me so! We gather back together at Kate Motaung’s place to read these masterpieces, encourage and bless. Join in on the fun on your own, on your blog, or in the comments below.
I’d love to encourage you!
Here we go!
This week’s word:
“It’s a messed-up world.”
A friend and I were conversing today on the many troubling and concerning recent events, locally, nationally, and worldly. Oh my goodness. The above words easily slipped from my mind out of my mouth.
If I think about this world too much, I can get easily frustrated, irritated, and agitated.
To the point of worry, disgust, and disappointment.
But even though this world seems messed-up, and upside-down most days, we can stand on a powerful and important truth.
You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. 1 John 4:4
We have nothing to fear. Nothing to be frustrated about. The Holy Spirit Who lives in each one of God’s own is greater than anything in and of this world. Nothing in the world–no false teaching, no temptation, no worldly power–can come against you without the power of God in you. All because of Jesus. All because of the Holy Spirit. All because you belong to God.
Amen, amen! Rejoice in this truth today, and rest in His care of you.
Thank you for stopping in today and sharing part of your day with me here. You bless me, friend!

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I think too much about the struggles of this world, too Julie. But thank you for the reminder of hope. All because of Jesus. Amen. Your words are beautiful, Julie. I’m so glad you and I can rejoice in His name together! Loved this~
Thank you, friend. I join in your gladness of rejoicing in His name together also! Thankful for the hope we share. Have a beautiful day, Karen!
Yes friend!! It is so easy to get bogged down by what we see happening in the world around us. But you’re words ring so true…by the power of the Holy Spirit we can be the light in the darkness etc. We do indeed all belong to God. Blessed to be your neighbor at FMF. Love you friend!
Tara, I love you too! It was great “seeing” you last night. Hopefully one day we’ll get to meet in person! Thanks for stopping in and for sharing. You bless me each time. Have a great weekend!
Beautifully put, but the 1 John thing has the new Mercy Me song, “Greater”, looping through my head!
Ah, well, I like the song, and even like the goofball video.
I love that song! Why did I not think of that and add it into my post?? And the video too! Thanks for that reminder, Andrew. God bless you today, friend!
The world seems so out of kilter these days and one glance at the news reaffirms that all the time. You have reminded us well that with the Holy Spirit in our lives we have nothing to fear. Amen! I was so glad to see you virtually last night. I have missed you. You have been on my mind as you celebrated your son in so many beautiful ways. Have a wonderful weekend.
I couldn’t agree more with you about the world seeming out of kilter, Mary. It was great seeing you virtually last night as well. You’ve been in my prayers as you walk through this exciting transition of life. Much love to you today, friend!
Julie, thanks for the shout out to the Holy Spirit who is greater than anything else in this world!! Ahh….that gives me renewed hope today, friend! Blessings to you!
Amen, Anne. I need reminded of that hope often. So glad you stopped in and shared here. You blessed me! Have a beautiful day.
It does us well to remember that, yes? It’s so easy to see the negative and the darkness and forget about the positive and the light! Great post, friend! It was nice to have you back at the party!
Thanks, Karrilee! It sas great to be back. Clinging to the positive and the light makes all the difference. Thanks for coming by and sharing. It blesses me so! Much love to you.
Good and powerful reminder to stand strong with the Spirit within us- thank you Julie!
Thank YOU, Katie. It’s a gift to see your beautiful face and words here. Hope all is well in your corner of the world! Blessings.
Amen! So glad to have you with us this week!
Thanks, Kate! And thank you for hosting FMF each week. It’s a gift to me and to many!