Five Minute Friday – Welcome

by | Jan 8, 2015 | Five Minute Friday

We took two weeks off through the holidays, but it’s back… Five Minute Friday!

It’s when many of us free-write for five minutes on a one-word prompt and we gather together to share what we’ve come up with at Kate’s place. It’s freeing, it’s fun, it’s a joy to let the words flow. It’s one of my favorite things all week long! Why not try it and see for yourself? If you don’t have a blog, join us by writing yours in my comment section below. Here we go!

This week’s word (the first of 2015) is:




Friend, you are welcome here.

Open the door, and you’ll walk into the consuming aroma of a fresh-brewed cup of coffee.

You may have to step over a few scattered pairs of shoes in the entry way, but you’ll be welcomed with open arms.

welcomeThere may be a laundry basket nearby containing either folded or unfolded clothes, but they’ll be clean. This mama likes to do laundry, but doesn’t always get them put away right away.

You’ll find many photos strategically placed. Of our family, good times, and great memories. You’ll also see lots of scripture on our walls. Each one means something special to this family of ours. One of my favorites?

With God all things are possible. Matthew 19:26

And dinner? You’re always welcome at our table. The meals are simple, and we talk while we eat. Hopefully not with food in our mouths, but conversation will be aplenty.

You’ll find a few warm blankets in our living room. These chilly winter evenings warrant their use as we hang out together, watching a movie or listening to music. There will be one for you, too.

We’re glad you’re here. We want you to feel like family, because if you’re here, you are.

Either in our home or here at my blog. You’ll always be welcomed.

To hang out for as long as you like. To come back often. To reserve your favorite living room blanket. It’s a joy to have you here.

I’m so glad you are.



God bless you!




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  1. Marcy Hanson

    I wanna come over. Can I? Please? You paint such a beautiful picture here, and your heart just shines right through!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Oh, Marcy, I’d love to have you over. Anytime! It’s simple over here, but we love it. Thank you for stopping in and for being my “guest.” Blessings on your weekend!

  2. Tara

    Julie, so glad to be welcomed here. I’ll claim my fave blanket and commune with you at the dinner table. You are welcome at my place too!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Tara, that would make my day! And I’d love to visit you too! I think we’d have lots to share, and hopefully someday, we’ll get to do that. Blessings to you, friend!

  3. Somer

    sounds like a lovely place 🙂

    • Julie Lefebure

      Somer, thanks for visiting. You’re welcome any time!

  4. Anita Ojeda

    I think I need to drive over and take you up on your offer ;). I’m a quirky visitor though, I drink decaf and eat vegetarian–but somehow, I have a feeling you’d welcome me anyway!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Anita, I have the decaf ready to go, and I would love to learn from you in eating vegetarian! I’d love a visit from you! Gosh, it seems like we have so much in common already. I can just imagine the great conversations we’d have face-to-face! Yes, you’re always welcome here. Have a blessed and wonderful weekend, dear friend!

  5. Melinda

    🙂 I feel so welcome! I can’t wait to see those pictures.


    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Melinda! I’m glad you feel welcome. If you look through my blog home, many of the pictures on our walls are in here somewhere. 🙂 Blessings to you! So glad you stopped in.

  6. Verona

    I love this post! I am so guilty of rushing around cleaning and making sure everything is perfect when in reality, it is more welcoming to have a little occasional clutter here and there. It think it would leave more room to really visit and feel more relaxed! 🙂

    • Julie Lefebure

      I’m with you, Verona. I’m one who is learning to stop the rushing, cleaning, and trying to make sure everything is perfect. Who cares about that stuff anyway. It’s really hard for me to let it go, but I’m working on it. (I’m staring at a laundry basket as I type this.) Thanks for stopping by and for sharing. Hope your weekend is restful!

  7. bluecottonmemory

    We must be “welcome” soul sisters! I’m always telling the boys’ friends to make sure my boys give them a good blanket and pillow! LOL – and chocolate chip muffins for breakfast if they stay over!!! Your welcome is so very welcoming!

    • Julie Lefebure

      We love chocolate chip muffins too! Our favorite for breakfast. Love that we are “welcome” soul sisters! I’m so glad you stopped over today. I hope to stop by your place too. I haven’t visited in awhile. God bless you!

  8. Karen Brown

    Julie- Amen! The Gospel calls us to open our doors, lives, messes, trials, etc.. to others. When we wait until everything neat and tidy, we can’t have the sense of honest community. Loved your post!

    • Julie Lefebure

      I sometimes wonder if I’ll ever arrive at neat and tidy. Maybe someday. Karen, it’s a joy to have you here. I’ll stop over to your place soon. Blessings to you today!

  9. Amy P Boyd

    Oh how much fun it would be to sit on the couch with you and one of those warm blankets.When can I come ??? 🙂

    • Julie Lefebure

      Yes, it would be wonderfully refreshing, Amy! Anytime, my friend. Anytime! Praying your party goes well tomorrow. So glad God crossed our paths through our blogs and FMF! Blessings, dear friend!

  10. Rachel Q

    Thanks for the invitation! I like hanging out with you…even though I’ve been a bit absent through the holiday season. My goal is to get back in there! I love the idea of that warm cozy blanket! You are right… it’s been some cold days lately! Thanks for the welcome!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Rachel! It’s wonderful to see your beautiful face here. I hope your holidays were very special! Yes, my favorite cozy blanket has been a must lately. In fact, it’s on my lap right now. Stay warm, and safe in this cold! I appreciate you stopping by and for sharing.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Susan, I’m so glad you do! Thank you for stopping in. Bless you!

  11. ~Karrilee~

    Oh I love this Julie! Your home sounds like mine, as well! Coffee brewed… a bucket of blankets at the ready… a table filled with conversation… an open door and open hearts! Yes… I feel Welcome just reading about it!

    • Julie Lefebure

      This makes me want to have all my FMF girlfriends over! Wouldn’t you and I have so much fun together, Karrilee? Yes, coffee, blankets, conversation, open door and open hearts. Love it! Thanks for stopping by and for warming my heart. You’re a blessing, friend!

  12. Sandra

    Thank you, I felt very welcomed!!! Good post Julie. While I was reading I was imaging that picture you describe… Was wonderful

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Sandra! Thank you so much. Have a blessed day!


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