Happy Friday!
I’m gathering with the rest of the Five Minute Friday writers today. Each week we set a timer for five minutes and write on the same one-word prompt, unedited. We meet up at Kate Motaung’s place to share and encourage. It’s one of my favorite parts of my week. I invite you to join us, either on your own blog or in my comments below or on a scratch piece of paper.
This week’s word:
Friend, are you worn out and weary? Are you overworked, out of gas, ready for a break?
Yesterday I found myself there.
weary :: physically or mentally exhausted by hard work, exertion, strain, etc.; fatigued; tired
Weary of the rat race of life, feeling it’s time to slow things down (again).
Weary from not sleeping well the night prior.
weary :: impatient or dissatisfied with something
Weary of eating healthy and exercising and not seeing the results of that effort as quickly as I would like.
Weary of living to do what’s right when I see others who don’t prospering.
Weary of applying for jobs when there’s been no response from the ones I’ve already applied for.
Weary of writing (believe it or not) when the words don’t come as easily as I think they should. (I’m getting what it means to fight for my reader!)
When we find ourselves immersed in weary, I’m thankful we don’t need to remain there. Take a look:
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 NIV
When we become weary from seeing little results doing the good things in life, I’m grateful we have hope to cling to…
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9 NIV
God’s Words are the best encouragement. Especially if we’re weary.
May I suggest we take our weariness to the One Who has the answers for it. When we give it to Him, we’ll see Him refresh our weary souls. He’ll give us strength to endure, and provide rest in the moment.
He’ll give you and me what we need.
I shut down my computer, and spent time laughing with my family last evening. I went to bed early, and soaked in God’s presence. Sometimes simple steps, guided by God in His grace, make all the difference.
I’m praying any weariness in your life will be replaced with God’s peace today, friend.
Your harvest is coming soon. Don’t give up.
Much love to you today,

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Hi Julie!
Yes, I’ve been weary from writing as well! Thanks for the encouraging verse of not growing weary of doing good! God’s words are the best encouragement!! Hope you have a rest filled day!!
Hi Bethann! Thanks for stopping by today. (I love your name, by the way!) It has been a rest-filled day. Hope yours has been too! May God bless you as you rest in Him!
Simple steps do make a difference. I too have been feeling weary…weary of life, weary of death. Love you friend!
Love you too, Tara. Hang in there… God has got us all. Rest in His care today. He loves you so. Thanks for being here.
Thanks for letting me know I am not the only other weary job seeker out there. Praying you reap results soon and thanks for the encouragement. Stopping by from FMF (# 56).
Hi Michele! I’m glad I’m not the only weary job seeker too. Thanks for sharing in my experience! I pray the same for you. God knows, and He has us. We can rest in His care. So thankful for that! Blessings!
“I shut down my computer, and spent time laughing with my family last evening. I went to bed early, and soaked in God’s presence. Sometimes simple steps, guided by God in His grace, make all the difference”
I am learning and doing this same thing. Putting other things away and focusing on those present with me right here and now. It’s a good thing to do and I find myself still getting the important things done and my soul is happier for it! Thanks for sharing these words with us! (Stopping by from FMF) Happy Friday to you!
Hi Rachel! I’m so glad you stopped by. This word was a good one this week, wasn’t it?? So many of us are feeling it. I’m learning to do the same as you. May we continue to encourage one another in it. God bless you today, friend. Have a blessed weekend!
Refreshment for our souls…oh, how I love that. In my weariness of late that is exactly what I need right now. Your blog post blessed me. Thank you, Julie.
Thank you, Lynette. I’m praying this moment for God to meet you in your weariness. Bless you, friend.
Oh yes, I have been weary! And what a relief to know we can lean on Him to refresh us!
Amen, Kadie! Glad we can encourage one another in His strength to rest in Him. Bless you!