Five Minute Friday – Season

by | Dec 3, 2015 | Five Minute Friday

Here we are again… time for Five Minute Friday! It’s one of my favorite things to do each week. Many of us free-write on a one-word prompt, we gather at Kate Motaung’s place to share and encourage, and we invite you to join us. It’s freeing to let your mind go on one word and see where it takes you! Feel free to try it… on your own blog, in the comments below, or on a piece of paper at your kitchen table. I’d love for you to join the fun!

This week’s word:




“It’s the most wonderful time of the year.”

“Have yourself a merry little Christmas.”

“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.”

“Walking in a winter wonderland.”

“Silent night, holy night.”

I love the Christmas season.

But I recognize there’s some of us who do not. I understand that full well. Nine years ago instead of celebrating the season five days before Christmas, we were burying my mother. The last thing I felt like doing was having myself “a merry little Christmas.”

That year, however, the reason to celebrate the Christmas season became very real to me. That year, even through my grief and heartache, Jesus’ birth, His life, His death, and His resurrection became the sweetest gifts to me. Because Mom accepted the gift of life Jesus offered, I knew she wasn’t dead. She was alive and home with Him in heaven.

And I’ll get to see her again someday.

Christmas became a season of hope.

Season of hopeGone were the frivolous and materialistic parts of Christmas, and what took center stage was the true meaning of the holiday.

I may not know your situation, and I certainly don’t want to come off as being insensitive. I’m praying Jesus meets you right where you’re at this season. If you’re celebrating, I’m celebrating with you. If you’re struggling, I’m right there with you. Friend, Jesus is with you too.

I pray this Christmas season is one full of hope for us all.



I wish you and yours a hope-filled Christmas!

Much love,


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  1. Miranda

    Sometimes, it takes a tradegy before we can understand the true meaning of the season. Unfortunately, we are stubborn like that. I know I didn’t appreciate my husband until he was no longer there. He is currently in prison for a crime he didn’t commit.

    Visiting from fmf parked at number two this week

    • Julie Lefebure

      Yes, Miranda. That’s what it took for me to realize the blessedness in Christmas. I’m sorry you’re walking through this season of not having your husband with you. I’m praying for justice and healing where needed. Much love to you!

  2. Anita Ojeda

    I’m so sorry you lost your mom, my friend. May the Holy Spirit continue to comfort you during the holidays. I know that grief can pop up at any time, so I’m saying a special prayer for you tonight.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Thanks, Anita. I didn’t really want this post to be a downer, but to share the hope we have in this season because of Jesus. Mom is rejoicing, and yes, grief can rise up unexpectedly. Thank you for your prayers. Praying your season is blessed!

    • Julie Lefebure

      I’m thankful time as eased the pain. Thank you for your words here, Andrew. I’m thankful I’ll get to see her again someday.

  3. Jeanne Takenaka

    Beautiful, Julie. I love that Christmas is a season of hope. I’m so glad Hope transcends the things that happen on this earth, and it certainly fills needs that no “thing” can fill. Thank you for the reminder to pray for those around me who struggle with Christmas. Maybe I can be a little light of hope in their lives. Thanks for sharing a piece of your story, and your beautiful words.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Jeanne! Thanks for stopping by. I pray we call can be a light for those who find this season difficult. May your season be blessed!

  4. Asheritah

    I’m so sorry to hear this season is hard for you, Julie. Yet I so appreciate your hope-laced words here. It’s in the loss that we appreciate what we have, and as precious ones are stripped away, we come to realize just how much we have in Jesus. Hard, but graceful truth. Thank you for your honesty here tonight!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Actually, time has removed the sting of grief, and this season is more of joy than sadness now. Which I’m very thankful for! So thankful we can celebrate our Savior’s birth, even during hard times. Glad we can celebrate together and support one another, no matter what this season holds for each of us personally. Blessings to you, Asheritah!

  5. Christina Hubbard

    This: “Gone were the frivolous and the materialistic parts of Christmas…” True meaning right there. I’m so sorry for the loss of your mom. Your words capture tenderness and truth. #evergrateful in the #12 spot.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Thanks, Christina. That year was hard, but Jesus met me in my grief and pointed me to the reality of what’s important. Thankful for your presence here! Have a blessed day!

  6. Teresa

    I too lost a parent during the Christmas Season at age 21. I had forgotten that my dad died so close to that Christmas until
    you mentioned your mother. Funny I just thought of him tonight as the Green Bay Packer’s won their game. He was the
    team dentist but his heart was with God when he died.
    Thanks for being real……

    • Julie Lefebure

      I’m sorry to read of how you lost your father at such a young age, Teresa. And how cool it was that he was the Packer’s team dentist! Thanks for sharing part of your story here, too. It’s a blessing to walk through life with you!

  7. Betsy de Cruz

    No, you do NOT come off as being insensitive, friend. How wonderful that Jesus gave those sweet gifts, made them more real, in your grief. I’m leaning in towards Him to embrace hope. It’s been kind of a hard season, but His gifts never end!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Amen, Betsy. His gifts never end. May we all remember that this season! I’m praying God meets you in the difficulty and blesses you with His peace and love. Have a blessed day, my friend.

  8. Rachel Q

    So good, Julie! Yes, some seasons are hard! I remember the first Christmas without my mother and it was just heartbreaking. I have an ornament from our last Christmas with her. It’s a picture of her and dad together. Every year when I hang it on the tree, my eyes well up and I whisper, “Merry Christmas, Mom!” It’s my little quiet tradition of remembering her and knowing she is watching from heaven and one day we’ll be together again! That is a good hope!
    Thank you for these encouraging words! ~ Rachel

    • Julie Lefebure

      Rachel, my heart goes out to you during this season. What a special moment that must be when you hang that wonderful picture of your mom and dad together on the tree. Yes, we’ll be together again… what a hope we have in Jesus! Thank you for sharing this precious part of your life here. It’s a joy to journey with you. Merry Christmas, friend!

  9. Tara

    Julie, thank you friend! I want to cling to that hope always. It’s been a hard week and I’ll admit I haven’t felt in the spirit of the season by your post pulled me out of that funk. Laura would want us to cling to the hope and celebrate this season. I’m over in the 46 spot.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi, sweet friend. I’m praying for you. May God meet you and Laura’s family and friends in the grief. Yes, cling to the hope and celebrate we’ll see Laura again. That’s a great reason to rejoice in Jesus’ birth. Much love to you!

  10. Becky

    We just said goodbye (for now) to my aunt. She passed away on Thanksgiving. It will be hard to know she is no longer with us (and harder to know the sadness my cousins and her grandchildren are experiencing- since I also have experienced losing my mom). It’s good to remember that holidays can be hard too.

    • Julie Lefebure

      I’m so sorry to read about your aunt, Becky. I will pray for you and your family. The holidays can be difficult for many. I pray we all cling to the hope Jesus offers us. Thank you so much for stopping by and for sharing.

  11. Marie

    This is lovely, Julie! Your words here stand as a testimony to the healing work of God. He takes the pain and spins from it gold threads of worship that glimmer on the darkest expanses of the tapestry of our lives.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Thank you, friend. God is mighty at healing hurting hearts. Love your words here, as always. You’ve blessed me!

  12. ~Karrilee~

    Kindred… I wrote a very similar take away! Also – OUR MATCHING CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS!!! xoxo

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hey friend! I’ll stop over to read your post. Yes… OUR MATCHING CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS!!! I couldn’t believe what I was seeing on my Instagram feed! Love it and love you!

  13. Tammy

    oh this was so moving! And the transformation for you to become a season of hope, what a testimony! I’m so sorry for the loss of your mother. And, so thankful that she loves Jesus and is with Him waiting for the rest of us still learning down here. Thank you for visiting me so I could receive the life that pours out of your post this week!
    (#6 this week at FMF)

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Tammy! Thank you for stopping in, and for your words. Yes, the transformation that Christmas was pretty amazing. I’m glad God brings good out of sorrow, especially when we least expect it. It’s a joy to share in each other’s lives through our blogs. Glad we were able to do that this week. Bless you!

  14. Alura

    I’m sorry to hear of your loss last year. Any loss is difficult to handle especially with those closest to us. I don’t think you come off as insensitive, we all can’t help how we feel. It’s times of loss when we should look to cherish the ones we love because we never know when God will take any of them. Just remember to look to God in such trying times. I’m brand new to the FMF community and returning to God myself. I’m parked at #55, any words of encouragement would be much appreciated! God bless!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Thank you, Alura. Actually my mom passed away nine years ago, and it’s been a journey. It sounds like you understand from your words. So glad you are a part of this wonderful community! I’ll stop on over. Bless you!

  15. Janel

    Julie, 15 years or more ago I had two boys from school die in a car accident on the 20th of December. It has become a sober time of reflection for me. Christmas has come to reflect Lent and the rememberance that Christ has come but also that He would die and that God sent his ONLY Son into the world to do this on Christmas day. its a joyous celebration but also a sober time of reflection on how I’ll never be able to fully comprehend the magnitude of that sacrifice.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Beautiful words, Janel. My heart hurts for you and the pain you experienced so long ago. But when God uses that pain to help us see things differently, He uses it for a bigger purpose. I see He’s done that with you. Christmas has new meaning for many of us as we’ve walked through heartbreaking times. So thankful for His sacrifice. I appreciate your presence here. God bless you!


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Julie Lefebure
Season of hope
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