Five Minute Friday – Quiet

by | Jan 28, 2016 | Five Minute Friday

It’s that time of week again. Five Minute Friday.

It’s when many of us gather together on Twitter Thursday night for a Five Minute Friday party (#fmfparty). We catch up on life, get our one-word prompt, and go off on our own to write for five minutes straight with no editing. We share our posts at Kate Motaung’s where we encourage and uplift one another. I’d love for you to join the fun in whatever way you can… on your blog, in the comments below, on a piece of paper at home.

This week’s word:




I need the quiet.

I so need the quiet.

quietThe early morning hours when our home is dark, and I’m the first one to rise. I turn on a lamp, make my coffee, and sit in the quiet.

It’s in the quiet, where I find my strength for the day. I find peace that surpasses all understanding. I find guidance, and blessing, and comfort. Because it’s in those minutes when I am alone with my Bible and alone with my God that I’m equipped for the rest of the day, and equipped for life.

Nothing is as important as this time of quiet.

Without it, I’m a mess. Oh, I’ve proven that to be true. And as the world screams louder and louder, and as my schedule becomes more full, I often have to fight for this time. But it’s worth it. It’s so very worth it.

No matter how loudly the word screams at you today, no matter how full your schedule is, no matter how hard you have to fight for it, find time to be quiet.

Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” Mark 6:31 NIV

And let’s rest there for a time. We’ll be glad we did.





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  1. Anita Ojeda

    Amen! I’m with you on this one, Julie. I can’t function like a Christian (much less a human) without my morning quiet time with God.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Yes, Anita. I’m with you… I can barely act like a human without my quiet time most days. So thankful we share in this special routine. Have a blessed weekend, friend!

  2. Andrew Budek-Schmeisser

    It sounds wonderful…but it’s not what’s here. ‘Here’, the first thing is a dog asking, “Dad? I have to be let out…NOW!”

    And thus the day begins, because when one wants to go out, the others will not be far…or quietly…behind.

    Luckily, we have a Heeler, who walks them for me…and yes, she can walk other dogs on a leash. When I could no longer do this, Ladron took over (and was thinking, “About TIME, Dad!”).

    33 at FMF this week.

    • Julie Lefebure

      I love how your dogs care for and encourage you, Andrew. Your Heeler sounds amazing! So glad you stopped over. Praying for you this evening.

  3. Monica

    This sounds so familiar, Julie. How much I need the quiet and peace, and how much more I need to find my peace and quiet in Him.
    Counting it a blessing to share this peace with you.

  4. Tara

    Beautiful post. Yes, let’s find time to rest there awhile. I’m over in the 7 parking spot this week.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Thanks, Tara. Amen. I’ll stop over to your place soon! Thanks for being here (as you continually are).

  5. sisterteresaofmenomonie

    Thanks for the encouragement…..God is calling me back to morning quiet times with him

    • Julie Lefebure

      Enjoy those intimate, quiet morning moments with our Lord! Thank you for stopping in and for sharing!

  6. hopeful50

    Julie, quiet is holy – Jesus always found a way and the time to get alone and be quiet with His good, good Father. Quiet is my refuge!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Susan, I agree, and I love Jesus’ example. Quiet is my refuge too!

  7. Marie

    Thank you for reminding me to fight for the space and the quiet. I am prone to filling up my days with “things.” Good things. Things that need to done. But things that push sitting in silence before the Lord to the bottom of the list. Martha, I get her. 🙂

    • Julie Lefebure

      I get her too, Marie. I’ve struggled with this for years, and some days still struggle. I’m glad I’m not alone, and thankful we can encourage one another. I’m blessed you stopped by!

  8. debbieputman

    Julie, your thoughts closely mirror my own on FMF; early morning quiet with Jesus is how I persevere through the day.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Amen, Debbie. I’ll be over to read your words too! Thank you for stopping over.

  9. Jeanne Takenaka

    Julie, I’ve tried to stop by all weekend, but it’s been one of THOSE weekends, just kind of non-stop, even when I was supposed to be doing some resting.

    I’m so with you. When I don’t get my quiet times in the mornings, I usually end up a snapping, puddly mess. Those times with the Lord are sustaining, strengthening and satisfying.

    And you’re so right, we have to be purposeful in finding time to be quiet with Jesus. Thanks for this reminder.

    Have a great week, Julie!

  10. Lisa

    It’s so true that taking that time for Quiet before the day gets nuts really does make all the difference. On days when I let my quiet time with Jesus slip, I’m often left feeling beat up, drained, and frustrated. Thanks for sharing! ~ Lisa (FMF #73)

  11. daffodilsandcoffee

    Love this encouraging post, Julie. I need to make more time to be quiet in the Lord’s presence and not just quiet.

    ~#117 this wk


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