It’s Five Minute Friday!
When many of us write freely for five minutes on the same one-word prompt. We gather to share and encourage at Kate’s place, and it’s fun to see what these amazing people have written in five minutes! I invite you to join us… either in the comments below, on your own blog, or on a piece of paper at work or home.
This week’s word:
Never cut a tree down in the wintertime. Never make a negative decision in the low time. Never make your most important decisions when you are in your worst moods. Wait. Be patient. The storm will pass. The spring will come. –Robert H. Schuller
Some of us know what it’s like to wait and be patient for the storm to pass. Quite possibly, you’re in the midst of a storm, and your waiting for the day it passes.
Storms of sickness, depression, discouragement.
Storms in relationships, jobs, in our country.
Storms which have caused devastation, weariness, loneliness.
Storms of death, divorce, division.
Friend, if I may encourage you, hang in there.
The storm will pass.
Don’t give up hope. In the meantime, take these words of truth to heart:
When his people pray for help, he listens and rescues them from their troubles.
The Lord is there to rescue all who are discouraged and have given up hope. Psalm 34:17-18
Our Lord will come to the rescue.
The hope continues in verse 19:
The Lord’s people may suffer a lot, but he will always bring them safely through.
He’s with you, and He’s not going to leave you.
Sometimes I just need a reminder. Maybe you do too.
I’m praying for you today, and asking God to strengthen you and encourage your heart until the storm passes.

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Yep I think sometimes we can all use that reminder.
Amen, Tara. Bless you, sweet friend! Have a wonderful weekend.
Some storms to not pass in the temporal…but on the other side is apotheosis. I can live…well, die…with that.
#1 FMF this week
Hey, Andrew! Thank you for coming by. Good point. We can all live and die with that. I appreciate your words and presence, as always. Bless you, brother!
That quote is beautiful and so true! Good reminder!
I love the quote too. Full of truth and hope! Thank you, Katha, for coming by today. Blessings to you!
Such an encouraging post. Glad I stopped by.
Thank you! I’m glad you stopped by too! Have a wonderful weekend.
Thank you for the reminder Julie! The storm always passes! Sometimes there is a lot of clean up, but the sky always clears. In the #30 and #32 spots today.
Yes, so true, Christy! There can be a lot of clean up afterwards, but we still aren’t cleaning up alone, are we? Thank you for swinging in for a few moments today. Bless you!
We have a similar thing… “Never make a decision when you’re tired, hungry or stressed.” It’s held true for us in many situations and I ask myself this when I’m feeling the pressure to make a decision. It’s a good filter! Thanks for these words! Happy Friday to you. (Stopping by from FMF #33)
Hi Rachel! Good words to live by! I’ve written them down for future use. A great filter! Always a joy to have you here. Blessings, my friend!
This blessed me in a big way. Thanks for the reminder that nothing lasts forever.
Hi Dayle! Welcome. It’s a blessing to “meet” you. Sometimes I’m the one who needs reminded the most! So glad you came by today.
Great reminder! The storms do pass – sometimes just waiting 5 or 10 minutes before I act is enough to diffuse things or to change my perspective.
I agree, Amy. How often I jump too quickly though! Thank you for stopping over today. Have a great weekend!
Beautiful reminder of a sacred truth, Julie. So grateful for a God who, not only, goes before us and works out the storm, but also walks alongside us through it. He is the best. ((grace upon grace upon grace))
Amen! He IS the best. So thankful!
Hallelujah! The storms do indeed pass. And as they rage, He is there, ushering us through to the other side.
We have so much to be thankful for, don’t we, Marie?? Thanks for stopping over, friend! Bless you!
Beautiful encouragement, Julie! Love your heart. Thank you for writing and linking up with FMF!
Hi Kate! Thank YOU for all you do for this beautiful community!
Thank you for your encouraging post…Gloria from FMF
Thanks, Gloria for stopping over! Blessings on your week.
Thank you for this beautiful encouragement, my friend! I see from your sidebar that May is national bike month :). What a great excuse for a good mountain bike ride!