Five Minute Friday – Miss

by | May 6, 2016 | Five Minute Friday

Five Minute Friday is here again.

It’s good to be a part of it today, even though I missed the party on Twitter last night. Five Minute Friday is more than a thing, a day, or something to do. It’s a beautiful community, filled with amazing people. I’m blessed to be included in it each week. We write for five minutes straight on the same word, and we gather at Kate’s to bless and encourage. It’s a lovely part of my week! I invite you to give it a try on your own!

This week’s word:




Three directions I could take this prompt this week:

1-  How much I miss my mom, especially on Mother’s Day. The holiday has never been the same since she passed away nearly ten years go. That ache of missing her is always present.

2 – How I miss my girl. She’s in the Dominican Republic this weekend as a bridesmaid in a wedding. She’s having the time of her life. But just knowing she’s in a different country seems to make her absence expound.

3 – How I had to make a choice this week of missing writing or missing real life.

I’m choosing #3.

I try to write every day. Try is the keyword here. Writing brings me great joy, and it fills a longing in my heart to encourage others. I write in the evenings after I get home from work. There’s never enough time to do all the writing I desire to do!

But this week, I had to make a choice. To write and miss out on real life, or live real life and miss out on writing.

I chose the latter.

The Superwoman in me wanted to do it all, because, you know, I can do it all. And years ago, I would have. I’ve learned from my foolishness (at least with most things), however. These choices can be difficult to make when we really want to do it all.

Sure, it would have been great to write, but it was greater to watch my son’s girlfriend win her last-home-track-meet events of her high school career.

Yes, I would have been able to encourage others, but instead I was able to encourage my husband as we biked two nights on the tandem and got 50 miles in. Together.

I could have stayed home this morning to write, but I chose to go to what I call “Bible class” with my girlfriends. It was priceless. My knowledge of God and the Bible grew again. And spending time with these women spurs me on.

Friend, sometimes we have to say no to what’s good, so we don’t miss what’s best.

Don't miss what's best



I’m cheering loudly for you over here. Don’t miss what’s best. Especially today.

Much love,


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  1. Happiness Found

    So much truth in this. My writing skips for the same reason. OTOH writing is, at times, my sanity keeper. So yes, I understand.

    • Julie Lefebure

      It’s all a balance, isn’t it? I wish I would have learned this sooner! Thanks so much for stopping by. It’s a joy to have you here. Blessings on your weekend!

  2. Christy

    Always choice living real life over writing! It’s the better choice. In the #32 and #43 spots this week

    • Julie Lefebure

      Thanks for the wise encouragement, Christy! I’ll be over to visit you as well. Blessings!

  3. Kim

    Due to life, commitments, weather and me training for the Duathlon, hubby and I haven’t had the opportunity to do our weekend rides for a month now. When I turned the calendar last week, I saw that he wrote “ride w hubby” for tomorrow. 🙂

    The Dual is done. The first run was pretty good, normal. The ride was better than I expected, awesome. And the second run was pretty rough like I thought it might be. I walked about a mile of it. But, I completed it! 2 hrs, 22 min. I’m happy. I was hoping to be faster than 2 hrs, 30 min, and I was. Yeah!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Kim! It’s so good to “see” you! I hope you are enjoying your ride today. Thank you for letting me know how the Dual went. I’m impressed! Way to go! You’ve got to feel such a sense of accomplishment! I’m proud of you for accomplishing what you set out to do, and doing it in less time than you were hoping. I’m rejoicing with you! May God’s presence be felt as you go about life today. Hugs to you!

  4. Andrew Budek-Schmeisser

    Love this, Julie. It’s a choice U have had to make, especially since getting anything done takes so much energy. Sometimes ‘best’ is lighting up a cigar and watching a good movie with the service dogs.

    They understand this, and when I’m hurting too much gently – and sometimes loudly – encourage me to simply take life as it comes, rather than indulging my aspirations.

    #2 at FMF this week, with a really dreadful limerick.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hey, Andrew! Take life as it comes… wise words. I’m thankful we can encourage one another as we do. Loved the limerick, by the way! Lifting you in prayer today, brother. Thanks for being here.

  5. Karrilee Aggett

    Oh friend… you choose wisely! I have been doing the same lately – and yet I find I process personally when I write and so I am learning to balance a fuller inrl schedule with enough time set aside to write –even if it is just for me! 😉 (I missed out on the party last night for some inrl face to face connecting as well!)

    • Julie Lefebure

      Thanks, Karrilee. It’s good to know I’m not alone in this balancing life thing! It’s always a joy to have you here. Praying for you today, my friend!

  6. Tara

    Yep THIS: “Sometimes we have to say no to what’s good, so we don’t miss what’s best.” I’m in the 68 spot this week since I was enjoying life and not writing.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Yay! You and I wrote similarly this week. I’m glad we both chose to not miss what was best! Blessings to you, dear friend.

  7. Anna Smit

    Exactly: “Friend, sometimes we have to say no to what’s good, so we don’t miss what’s best.” Which is why I wrote in my evening instead of morning, as the girls and my husband were home on holiday.

    Joining you in missing a beautiful mother…and feel your heartache at missing your daughter (I had to leave my daughter behind in the Netherlands when she was three, so I could go care for my dying Mum on the other side of the world: hardest decision ever). Missing family is hard. May God bring you His peace, comfort and joy through the hard. Thank you for visiting my blog and encouraging there too.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Anna, thank you for coming by my blog today. It sounds like you can relate to much of what I wrote on the prompt this week! I pray for you today, too. May God strengthen you, encourage you, and bless you.


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