Five Minute Friday – Hold

by | Sep 18, 2014 | Five Minute Friday

It’s that time of week again! Time for Five Minute Friday! A number of us take five minutes and write our hearts out each week on a one word prompt. The writing may not be perfect, and that’s okay. We free-write and share it at Kate Motaung’s place. It’s one of the most fun places to visit. And one of the coolest things is we all encourage one another in our writing. It’s so fun! We’d love to have you join the fun! Or write for five minutes in the comment section below.

This week’s word:



I hold myself back.

I know I do.

I think back to the girl I used to be.

I used to go “all out.” I wasn’t afraid of failure. I didn’t even think about that word. It’s wasn’t a part of my vocabulary. I just did what I needed to do to achieve what was on my heart.

So what happened?

What happened to that girl? The girl who never held anything back is now holding more back than she realizes.


Maybe it’s because life has beaten her up. People have “beaten” her up. She’s bruised. She’s wounded. No wonder she holds back.

But she’s not beyond healing. She may be knocked down, but she’s most definitely not knocked out.

knocked down but not out

Something happened this week. The post I wrote Wednesday, was God-inspired. More than I even realized at the time I wrote it. But He spoke to me loud and clear through the words He gave me.

I was settling into living small. I was holding myself back.

And let me tell you, I’m done with that.

There couldn’t be a more appropriate word for me this week. Hold.

The sleeping giant inside of me has reawakened. Keeping my eyes on God, there’s nothing to hold me back. He’s got big plans for this life, and I’m going to go all out to follow His lead.

There’s nothing to hold me back any longer.

Philippians 413

What’s holding you back from your God-given dreams? Friend, don’t hold back any longer. Today’s a new day. You can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens you! Go for it!



Whew! I got on a roll there. God has big things for each of our lives. May we hold nothing back in pursuing Him to find out what those things are! Don’t hold a thing back. Go all out in pursuing your God-given dream! I’m lifting you in prayer today.

Thanks for hanging out with me today!


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  1. Jen @ Growing in Faith

    No more holding back….only letting go and letting God!

    Love your words Julie! God-inspired, for sure!

    • Julie

      Amen, friend! Thank you! It was great chatting with you at #fmfparty last night!

  2. richelle @ our wright-ing pad

    I can remember back to being a young girl with no fear. I think what change for me, however, was the fact that I started seeing things to be afraid of and let them become bigger than my God.

    May God keep you on track and not holding back from anything and all that He has for you.

    • Julie

      Thank you, Richelle! Yes, me too… seeing things to be afraid of. Or maybe I let others’ fear determine my own? I don’t know but I don’t believe God ever wanted us, not wants us, to be holding back. God bless you and thank you for stopping in!

  3. Debbie Putman

    Wow! “But she’s not beyond healing. She may be knocked down, but she’s most definitely not knocked out.” Your words, and your conclusion are inspiring. Joining you from FMF.

    • Julie

      Hi Debbie! Thank you for stopping by. I love FMF! Thank you for sharing here! Have a great Friday!

  4. Kathryn Shirey

    Great encouragement today to go all out and boldly run after our dreams. I need to keep hearing that reminder to go ‘all out’ because following dreams can be scary, yet full of great opportunity. Thanks for a message I needed to hear today!

    • Julie

      Kathryn, I needed it too. God continues to speak to me on similar subjects. Glad it blessed you. I appreciate your presence here! Have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend! Blessings!

  5. Beth S.

    Beautiful and inspiring, friend. xoxo

    • Julie

      Thanks, Beth! Welcome back! Glad you stopped in today. Always good to have you here. 🙂

  6. Debby

    Hi, Julie – stopping by from FMF. Good for you! I know all about living small and wanting small everything. Small is safe but faith is anything but safe. That’s what we’re to hold on to – faith.

    • Julie

      Debby, you got that right… “faith is anything but safe.” Love that! I appreciate you visiting today. Blessings on your Friday!

  7. Rachel Q

    You go girl! How easily we slip back into listening to that voice that wants to know us down! But we get back up again…not to be easily defeated! You have encouraged me today! Thanks Julie! 🙂

    • Rachel Q

      oops…meant…”knock us down”…. 🙂

    • Julie

      Hi Rachel! I’m glad you’re encouraged! Yes, it’s so easy to slip back and listen to that voice of settling and knocking us down. You’ve encouraged me here! Thanks for stopping by. Have a great weekend!

  8. Amy P Boyd

    Go Julie Go !!! I too want to be the one that does not know the word failure. I pray God continues to give us strength to take each step He has for us in faith.

    • Julie

      Amy, I pray that too! May we keep our eyes focused on Him! Blessings, friend!

  9. Lisa Moles

    What a wonderful reminder! I can feel your faith and energy and resolve. And I can feel your faith in everyone else who is reading your words, looking for a reminder like this. Thanks for sharing your encouragement on a Friday (and a Wednesday!)!!!

    • Julie

      Thanks, Lisa. I think sometimes we settle. Settle for less than God’s best for us. May we not do that any longer! Thank you for your encouragement here, friend! Have a great weekend!

  10. Jodie Dye

    Wow Julie, you were definitely on a roll. I could totally relate. You go girl, no holds on you!! 🙂 #FMF

    • Julie

      Thanks, Jodie. It’s such a gift to be a part of this #FMF community! God bless your weekend!


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Julie Lefebure
knocked down but not out
Philippians 413
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