Five Minute Friday – Happy

by | Aug 4, 2016 | Five Minute Friday

Well, isn’t this a treat… I get to participate in Five Minute Friday tonight! I’ve been away for a number of weeks, and last week I was busy peddling our tandem bicycle with my husband across the state of Iowa on RAGBRAI. Yep, 450.5 miles in seven days on two wheels with the man I love.

But it’s good to be back among friends in this community. This beautiful community filled with incredible people. We free-write on a one-word prompt for five minutes and gather together at Kate’s to share and encourage one another. I invite you to try it… either on your own blog, in the comments below, or on a piece of paper at home. Join the fun!

This week’s word:




“Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.” –Abraham Lincoln

Tuesday I found myself struggling. My muscles ached after our week-long, 450 mile back ride last week. I found myself tired and physically dragging. I didn’t “feel” like going to work. I felt like going back to bed. And as I pulled into the parking lot at the beginning of my work day, I voiced out loud, “I don’t feel like doing this today, but I have to do this today, so there.”

I was unhappy. I was wallowing in selfishness. And for that moment, I was even a little grumpy.

But I was reminded quickly how much I had to be thankful for… My family. A great job. Wonderful friends. A week with my husband, doing what we love. A working vehicle. A peace-filled home. And so much more.

I made up my mind to be happy.

And I desired to help those around me to be happy, as well.

Whoever is happy will make others happy too

“Whoever is happy will make others happy too.” –Anne Frank

I found my smile, and gave it away. I shared words of encouragement to those who crossed my path. I chose to be a light, shining the love of God into the lives of others. I didn’t do it perfectly, but I did it happily.

If your life is like mine, our days are rarely perfect. There are ups and downs. Good and bad. Joys and stress. Sunshiny days and cloudy ones. Some days it’s not easy to be happy.

When we choose happiness over despair, hope fills our lives and extends into the lives of others.

And that’s always a beautiful thing.

Even if we don’t have much, we have much to be happy about.

I will be happy because of you; God Most High, I will sing praises to your name. Psalm 9:2 NCV

Good people, rejoice and be happy in the Lord. Sing all you whose hearts are right. Psalm 31:11 NCV


It’s a good day to rejoice and be happy in the Lord! What are you happy about today? What can you thank God for?

God bless you, friend!

Much love,


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  1. Tara

    Love that Anne Frank quote. One of my other fave of hers is “Despite everything, I still believe people are really good at heart!” Great post friend. I’m in the 5 spot this week.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Ooh, Tara, that quote is so timely! Thanks for sharing that here. I appreciate you! Have a great weekend.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Thank you, Andrew. It’s good to be back. Have a blessed weekend!

  2. Martha G. Brady

    great post julie:) I love this: “When we choose happiness over despair, hope fills our lives and extends into the iives of others.”

    • Julie Lefebure

      Thank you, Martha! Have a blessed weekend!

  3. Kate Motaung

    What a beautiful, life-giving perspective, Julie! You are a blessing! Such a treat to have you back writing with us again!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Thanks, Kate! It’s good to be back! And I can’t believe it’s been two years already. Happy Anniversary! You’re a blessing as well!

  4. Marie

    Such a good reminder, that I can choose to be happy. It’s so simple, yet so easily forgotten. Now if I can remember this the next time a case of the crabbies sets in…

  5. Anita Ojeda

    Watching your trek across Iowa with your sweetie makes me happy! Congratulations on a job well-done!


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Julie Lefebure
Whoever is happy will make others happy too
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