It’s Five Minute Friday! It’s when many of us gather together for a fun Twitter party (#fmfparty), we free-write for five minutes on a one-word prompt, and we share and encourage at Kate Motaung’s place. It’s a beautiful thing each week, and a wonderful community of amazing friends. (I am spending time with one such friend tomorrow evening!)
I invite you to try it… on your blog, in my comments section below, or on a piece of paper on your kitchen table. It’s fun and freeing!
This week’s word:
I think I was born a doubter. For as long as I can remember, I have had a hard time trusting people. I could erect walls around my heart with ease. It was difficult to put my faith in anything except myself.
doubt :: to be uncertain about; consider questionable or unlikely; hesitate to believe
The God I was introduced to at a young age was One who I needed to earn my place in His presence. I had to “be good enough,” to “do enough,” to “give enough.”
It was refreshing to learn the truth of who God really is. And how He desires me to come to Him as just me… with my failures, faults, and messes. He didn’t love me for what I did. He loves me for who I am. His.
I learned quickly I could trust Him, and He has everything I would ever need.
Our heavenly Father understands our disappointment, suffering, pain, fear, and doubt. He is always there to encourage our hearts and help us understand that He’s sufficient for all of our needs. When I accepted this as an absolute truth in my life, I found that my worrying stopped. – Charles Stanley
And by spending time with Him, I could have an actual living, vibrant relationship with Him. One that would fulfill my deepest desires and longings.
The doubting stopped.
At least my doubting of God stopped.
Now I can freely bring my doubts to Him. Any and all. And one by one, He answers them and points me in the right direction, encouraging my heart and helping me understand.
Is there an area of life you’re doubting, friend? Take it to the One Who can help you. The one who understands. Who can encourage your heart and help you understand. He will, you know. He loves you and cares for you.

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Julie, I needed this reminder tonight. Thanks friend. Pretty sure I’ve been a doubter from a young age too! I’m parked in the #11 parking spot this week.
You’re a gift, friend. Bless you and your week!
Well-said, Julie.
I have no doubts about God and His love; it’s manifest in my life every day. For instance – Denali the Happy Husky can tell if I’m depressed, so she asks to go out, then makes me sit on the front step and gives me a Husky-hug.
And ladron the Service Heeler…if she thinks I am trying to do too much, she will hide my tools (some of which remain missing) and pick out the DVD she wants me to watch, whacking my leg with it until I get the idea. She will also fetch a cigar for me to smoke (they help with the absorption of pain meds, and with nausea).
Not for nothing is God the palindrome for Dog.
Wow, I love how God uses your dogs to bless you, to provide for you, and to protect you! You made me smile here. It’s always a gift to have you stop by. Bless you, brother!
I SO love the fact that God can handle our doubts. He’s big enough to help our unbelief without being offended. He wants us to have that unwavering faith, but He is so gently with out human form. Loved your words today, Julie and the assurance that God will sift through ever doubt and bring us faith.
Hi Tiffany! It’s a gift to have you here. I love how God meets us no matter where we’re at. Bless you, sweet friend!
Fun to be your FMF neighbor today, Julie! Yes, isn’t it wonderful to know we can take every single doubt to Him.He is so patient with us.
Hi Betsy! I’m so thankful He is!! Thank you for stopping over!