Five Minute Friday – Decide

by | Mar 31, 2016 | Five Minute Friday

Here we are again. It’s Five Minute Friday!

You probably already know, but in case you don’t, Five Minute Friday begins Thursday evening on Twitter. We gather there for a Five Minute Friday party (#fmfparty) where Kate gives the weekly one-word prompt. We disperse to free-write for five minutes, and gather back together at her place to share and encourage.

And here we go…

This week’s word:




“You have to decide if you’re going to wilt like a daisy or if you’re just going to go forward and live the life that you’ve been granted.” – Kevin Costner

Daisies are beautiful, but like all flowers, they eventually wilt. I’m guessing, deep-down, none of us want to wilt. I’m also guessing we all desire to live the life we’ve been granted.

God has given each of us life. He has marked our days before us. Even before we lived a day.

Every detail of my life was already written in Your book; You established the length of my life before I ever tasted the sweetness of it. Psalm 139:16b (Voice)

Yes, God has blessed us with this life. But many of us have been knocked down or around in it. Maybe life hasn’t seemed so sweet as of late.

But we have a decision to make. We can decide how we’re going to react. We can decide how we’re going to live this life we’ve been granted.

decideYou and I both probably know people who have overcome tragic circumstances, or who are walking through them now, and are finding the good in and through them. What’s happening may not be good, but they are somehow seeing it. They are somehow embracing the good. They are deciding to make the most of the life they’ve been given.

I want to be like that.

I want to live the life I’ve been granted.

And live it to the fullest. To make the most of each and every moment.

How about you?

Let’s not be like wilting daisies.

Let’s decide right here to make the most of the life we’ve been granted. Every moment. All for God’s glory.



May God bless you today, friend!


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    • Julie Lefebure

      Yes, we all will wilt one day, and the memory of us will be beautiful. But I read your post, Andrew, and you’ve decided to make the most of the days you have. Bravo and amen!

  1. Tara

    That’s a great quote by Kevin Costner. My friend Julia and her husband recently lost their baby daughter at 23 weeks and one day. Yet she has been such a witness of strength. May we decide to live the life we’ve been granted. I’m in the #7 spot this week.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Wow, Tara. I can’t even imagine. Praying for Julia and her husband this morning. May God strengthen and comfort them, and may He equip you to come alongside of them with whatever they may need. Yes, may we decide to live the life we’ve been granted.

  2. Jeanne Takenaka

    Julie, too many times, I have wilted to the harsh words or actions of others.Too many times I’ve given up rather than choosing to really live. I love your post because it speaks of choosing well. and that’s my desire each and every day . .. To choose to live this life God’s given me, one day at a time, and reflecting Him to those around me. No wilting before my time. 🙂

    • Julie Lefebure

      Amen, Jeanne. I’m with you. I just need to remember this… daily. Praying for you this morning. Glad we get to journey together!

  3. Bethany

    It’s those that decide to see God in the storm, that see His fingerprints through the storm. He’s holding you. Yes! So many thoughts going through my head reading this!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Bethany! What a gift it is to see your beautiful face here! Thank you for sharing your powerful thoughts. Yes, and amen!

  4. Anita Ojeda

    I’m all about not wasting time nor chances (unless I’ve lost my turgor pressure for the day 😉 ). My prayer is that God will give me the strength (for me, is usually a need for mental strength) to do the tasks he asks me to do.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Great, Anita! Going to prayer first is the BEST decision. So glad you stopped in to share! Blessings to you today.

  5. Rachel Quigley

    What a good reminder. I had a friend who says, “I can’t always choose my circumstances but I can always choose my attitude.” I try and remember that when I struggle with mine.

    Thanks for these words and happy Friday to you!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Rachel! Great advice. May I remember that next time I’m tempted to let my circumstances control my attitude. Thank you for stopping over. Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Angela Sackett

    “Let’s not be like wilting daisies…” love this! I want to dig my roots deeper, drink up the nourishing water of my Papa, and grow! Thank you, sister… coming by from Five Minute Friday…

    • Julie Lefebure

      I’m with you, Angela! Thanks so much for swinging by to share and bless. Have a beautiful day!


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