Five Minute Friday – Alive

by | Mar 24, 2016 | Five Minute Friday

It’s Five Minute Friday time. Where many of us write on a one-word prompt, given by our friend, Kate. It’s a time of free-writing and embracing non-perfect writing. We gather at Kate’s to share and encourage. As always, I invite you to join us… either on your own blog, in the comments below, or on a piece of paper at home.

This week’s word:




I have a new found appreciation for those who work in churches, especially during Holy Week.

Oh my goodness.

I began my new job two months ago at a local church, and experiencing all that goes on behind the scenes increased my prayers for those in ministry who offer services, namely throughout Holy Week.

There’s so much more to prepare for… more than I ever imagined.

It’s a blessing and a gift to be in God’s house every day, and to have the opportunity to serve Him and others in this way. This week was extra-special for me, as I was able to embrace the events of Jesus’ last week on this earth, and the week that culminates in Jesus’ resurrection, celebrating He’s Alive!

AliveBut I’m not feeling so alive after this full week. Actually, I’m a bit weary. But that’s nothing a good night’s sleep won’t cure.

As I think on this word, “ALIVE,” I am grateful to be alive today.

I am thankful, because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, I will be alive even after my life on this earth ends.

And I will spend eternity with my Savior, alive forever.

When you think of ALIVE, what comes to your mind? 

Friend, may you and I live each moment on this earth, fully alive, and may we look ahead to our future… our fully alive in eternity future. What a glorious future it will be!

We have much to celebrate this Easter!



Much love to you,


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  1. Tara

    I love where you went here. I’m a little weary too. But yes a good nights sleep will cure it all. But most of all, I’m thankful for Jesus. Our redeemer does indeed live! I’m in the #5 spot today.

    • Julie Lefebure

      So thankful He lives! What a celebration today and every day. Blessings to you, dear friend!

  2. Andrew Budek-Schmeisser

    Hmmm…my first try at a comment gave a 405 error. Whatever that is.

    Anyway, great post, and when I think of the word ‘alive’ I see Jesus gettin’ DOWN to the music of the Bee Gees…”I’m stain’ ALIIIIVE!”

    Hope He has a sense of humour.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Sorry about the error, Andrew. Thanks for letting me know. Love the humor, my friend. Thanks again for stopping by. Much love to you, Barbara, and the dogs on this Easter!

  3. Anita Ojeda

    ‘Alive’ makes me jump with joy that my daughter is still with us. She’s home on vacation this week, and we’re having a marvelous time together and I’m thankful every day that she’s alive and doing well. :).

    • Julie Lefebure

      I’m thankful right along with you, Anita. What a joyous celebration each day is! Much love to you!

  4. Jennifer

    This is wonderful! I’ve been an associate pastor’s wife for a number of years (though we have moved to a completely different life in the last two years). The behind the scenes is amazing. And trying. And exhausting. But mostly “poured-out-like-a-drink-offering” kind of amazing! Glad you shared!

    ~jennifer (#8 at FMF: Alive)

    • Julie Lefebure

      Yes, Jennifer! That’s exactly it! I’m blessed you stopped by and shared today. I’ll be over soon to visit you. Happy Easter!

  5. Kate Motaung

    Happy Easter, Julie! Celebrating with you that Jesus is ALIVE! Praise God for His gift of eternal life. Blessings to you, friend!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Amen, Kate! Thanks so much for all you do for this FMF community. Blessings to you!


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