Finding Peace And Calm In The Chaos Of Life

by | Jan 7, 2021 | #connect2021, Real Life

What do you do when life is filled with chaos? Friend, how do you find peace and calm when life feels anything but?

I’m in my office this morning, and it’s quiet here. Chilly, but quiet. My office is in our home’s basement, so it’s always cooler down here. My portable heater makes a noticeable difference in the winter months, but it’s not warming this room up as fast as I would like. (I have goosebumps, for goodness’ sake! I digress.) But, I like it down here. My office is my space. It’s where I think. It’s where I dream. And it’s where I write and plan.

My office is also my safe place. It’s where I retreat to when the world becomes too much for me to handle. (Well, it’s always too much for me to handle. It’s a good thing I’m not in charge of it!) When it feels the like the world, or our country, or the human race is spinning out of control, I come here for a reset. I come here to center my heart on what I know to be true. And, I come here to find some peace and calm.

I couldn’t wait to get down here this morning.

I couldn’t wait to sit at my desk, in front of my laptop, and get alone with God and my thoughts. Because sometimes my thoughts aren’t so great. Sometimes (most times) my thoughts need God’s intervention. Often, especially lately, my thoughts need some peace and calm. Yours, too? Because even when it’s quiet in my surroundings, it’s not always so quiet in my head. The world’s noise lingers long after I’ve retreated from it.

So, how does one drown out the noise of this world? How can you and I find peace and calm, not only in the world, but in our current circumstances? (Who couldn’t use some peace and calm today?)

So, what is peace, anyway? It’s more than just the absence of war, or a feeling, or a state of mind. Biblical peace comes from the Hebrew word shalom. Shalom isn’t just one dimensional. It’s complete well-being… physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual. It flows from a right relationship with God (most important), with self, and with others.

And, how about calm? It’s peaceful, solitude, serene, tranquil, free from motion or disturbance. (Sounds perfect right about now, doesn’t it?)

So, how do we find peace and calm amid the chaos?

I don’t think there’s an exact formula, and I believe we may find it all a little differently. But, what’s important is that we find it. Not just a fleeting peace and calm, but something that makes it last.

I’ve found it’s God that gives me the peace and calm I need, and not only that, but makes it last.

Finding Peace and Calm in the Chaos of Life

5 Ways to Find Peace and Calm in the Chaos of Life:

  1. Get alone with God to a calm and quiet place.
  2. Converse with God and pray. Ask Him to meet you right where you are and for His peace.
  3. Read the Word of God by searching verses that have to do with His peace and His presence in your Bible or Bible app.
  4. Journal any God-given truths/thoughts/realities so you can come back to them or remind yourself later.
  5. Repeat often, daily if possible.

After years of trying many other ideas, tactics, suggestions, and ways, I know of no other practices that lastingly impact how to live with peace and calm in a chaotic world.

[Tweet “I know of no other practices that lastingly impact how to live with peace and calm in a chaotic world.”

After all, God designed us, so why would we attempt to look elsewhere to find lasting peace and calm? Why would we search for something or someone else than our very own Creator? Who knows us and loves us even better than we know ourselves? And isn’t He the God of peace, anyway?

Now, may the Lord himself, the Lord of peace, pour into you his peace in every circumstance and in every possible way. The Lord’s tangible presence be with you all.

2 Thessalonians 3:16 TPT

I’m praying this scripture for us all today.

I invite you to join the conversation. How do you find peace and calm in this chaotic world and in your current circumstances? Is there a specific scripture that encourages your heart and gives you peace? Would you share it below?

Ending with the very words of Jesus today. May they bless you!

I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.

John 14:27 NLT

Much love,

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