After my post yesterday, I have gotten many different reactions. Most have been shock, many questions, and friends saying they will be praying for me. That means so much.
Because of circumstances that transpired this morning, Tina shared our news at Mission of Hope’s Worship Service this morning. We heard gasps, groans and sniffles from those in attendance. It was an emotional morning, especially as we were a part of the worship team singing. During Agnus Dei, the tears came. This could be the very last time I’ll sing at Mission of Hope. It began to sink in. That was the beginning of many “firsts” for me as my time comes to a close there in the next few weeks.
Our friend Steve Canty gave a powerful message on how much God loves us. It spoke to me and encouraged my heart. I needed the words He shared. Such a powerful message!
I was also encouraged as I finished my Bible study tonight. I know many of my friends are going through some tough times. I’ve had my share of them in the last month. I’m also aware of those in my life who are being treated poorly by others. If you are, may this encourage you tonight from this week’s BSF lesson. Matthew 10:26 from The Voice translation, “Do not be afraid of those who may taunt or persecute you. Everything they do–even if they think they are hiding behind closed doors–will come to light. All their secrets will eventually be made known.”
If we open God’s Word, He gives us what we need. And I’ll plug BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) here. I’ve been a part of this Bible Study for almost 17 years. I can’t imagine where I’d be spiritually without it. Who am I kidding?? I know I wouldn’t have much of a spiritual life without it. I encourage you to check it out. It’s interdenominational, and there daytime and evening classes and classes for men and for women. God to to see if there’s a class in your area.
May you be encouraged tonight, and may this week ahead be a blessing for you!

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