7 Ways To Powerfully Embrace The New Year

by | Jan 4, 2017 | Love Others

Happy New Year!

I’m one who loves a fresh start. A new year, for me, is a chance for a new beginning. How about you? Do you like turning the page of the new year? Or is the start of a new year something you don’t look forward to?

No matter how we feel about it, a new year is a time to breathe deep and step forward into what the future holds for us. It can be a time of renewing, growing, redefining, and realigning.

A new year can be a beautiful time to embrace who we are and the future that awaits us.

7 Ways To Powerfully Embrace The New Year

1 – Release the Past

The past is the past, and no matter how hard we may try, we can’t change it. Our mess-ups and failures are behind us. When we stay fixed on what’s behind us we can get stuck there, and when we do, we miss what’s here right now. Let’s let go of the past and embrace today.

2 – Look Forward to the Future

Some of us set goals or resolutions with a new year’s arrival. Some of us chose a one word or a one focus for the year. No matter what it is, it’s important to keep looking and moving forward. I’ve heard it said, “We are either moving forward or backward. There’s no standing still.” Let’s move forward.

3 – Live in the Present

In releasing the past and looking forward to the future, it’s imperative we live in the present. May 2017 be the year we embrace each and every moment we’re given. The good and the not so good. Let’s not miss one single, precious thing.

4 – Forgive Yourself and Others

Forgiveness is necessary if we desire to flourish, grow, and become all we can be. This includes forgiving ourselves for past mistakes and forgiving others for theirs. When we do, we are freed from bondage and the weight of unforgiveness, and we’re setting ourselves up for an impactful year.

5 – Pause to be Thankful

Start and end each day in thankfulness. Either jot down what you’re thankful for in a journal or take a mental note if journaling isn’t your thing. Some use slips of paper and tuck them in a jar to be read at the end of the year in celebration. Living in thankfulness is powerful and it helps us keep a proper perspective of God and ourselves. And, your thankfulness may rub off onto others!

6 – Fine Tune Where Needed

Have you realized you want to make an adjustment in an area of your life? Or maybe you desire to get rid of a bad habit, or start a new healthy one? A new year is a great opportunity to fine tune or make changes. Even a small adjustment can make a big difference. I’ll be sharing later this week an adjustment I made in January 2016 that impacted my entire year.

7 – Make a Difference

I’m guessing I’m not the only one who wants to do good this year… to others, to society, to the world we live in. We want to make a difference and impact the lives of others. Today let’s find just one way we can do that. Then, tomorrow let’s find another. And the day after that, another. May we be the ones to make the world we live in better this year.

When we powerfully embrace a new year we can’t help but make a difference.

In what ways are you embracing this new year? I would enjoy reading your thoughts below.

May 2017 be the year we love God, love others, and love ourselves!




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    • Julie Lefebure

      Happy New Year to you, Tara! Much love to you!

  1. Kristine

    LOVE these 7 steps Julie! I look forward to the new year too. So full of possibilities and hope. Happy New Year to you!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Thanks, Kristine! May God bless you in 2017. Sending hugs your way!


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