It Was A Dream-Come-True Kind Of Wedding

by | Nov 3, 2018 | This Lefe Family

October 13 was finally here! We planned for it for months. Lists were now empty. Every detail had been discussed, organized, and implemented. The dress, shoes, jewelry, veil. Candles, greenery, programs, table place cards. Nothing had been missed. Nothing. Everyone and everything was (almost) ready. Love filled the air.

Our daughter’s wedding day had arrived.

Standing in front of the mirror that morning I asked my reflection, how did we get here? How is it possible our little girl is getting married today? Wasn’t she in pigtails and Tinker Bell dresses just a few years ago? All sorts of emotions filled me. I was thrilled for Alissa, yet a part of me wanted to return to the simpler days of her youth. And stay there.

Here we were, however. Excited for the lives of two amazing people, joining into one. Alissa and Morgan’s love for God and one another led them here, and in a matter of hours they’d be man and wife. Hair, makeup, and a girls’ breakfast started our day. The guys headed to their own morning of handsomeness at a local men’s salon barbershop.

God had given us a beautiful day!

The partly-cloudy, 50ish-degree day was an answer to prayer. Trees filled with breathtaking hues of gold, amber, and burnt orange displayed the perfect backdrop for outdoor photos. Smiles were aplenty and hearts were filled with joy. God had blessed us with a lovely fall day.

As guests filled the sanctuary for the 3 p.m. ceremony, my heart swelled. Many family, friends, and special people in our bride and groom’s lives came to celebrate their marriage and share in their joy of beginning their life together. Their presence and smiling faces blessed me.

My soon-to-be son-in-law escorted me to my seat.

This man, Morgan, was the one I had prayed for all these years. From the time Alissa was young, I began praying for her future husband. No, I didn’t know his name, and I couldn’t see his face. But, in this moment, God reminded me how He answered my prayer. Yes, Morgan was the man God chose for our daughter. Bill and I love him as a son.  He’s kind, compassionate, and loves Alissa. He’s a great man.

I wasn’t prepared for when I saw our son, a groomsman, walk Morgan’s sister down the aisle. Because of a health concern the previous Wednesday, it was unclear if he’d even be able to be present on his sister’s special day. (My next post will share the details.) Here, though, he looked as if nothing had ever happened. Healthy, whole, and strong. God reminded me of His faithfulness and love.

Tears were aplenty when the bride and her father appeared.

As the processional song began, so did our daughter’s tears. Then her dad’s tears. Then everyone else’s. (I was already in tears.) It was a beautiful moment. Morgan watched his bride make her way toward him, and as he did so, a tear streamed down his face. A priceless photo of this moment was caught by the talented photographer.

Walking Alissa down the aisle and giving her away was one of the hardest things Bill said he’s ever done. His emotions showed how much he loves his little girl. Unforgettable.

Alissa and Morgan, with the help of Pastor John and Pastor (Grandma) Barb, created the most beautiful ceremony. Filled with scripture, song, and personal touches. The Office wedding snippet made it all even more special and personal. God’s presence, felt in every part, in every moment, was another reminder of God’s love and faithfulness.

Following the ceremony the reception continued the celebration. Great food, incredible people, fun stories, and dance-enticing music. And, donuts! Yes, Krispy Kreme donuts replaced the traditional cake for dessert. So yummy! But, even beyond the donuts, priceless memories were made that evening and fill our minds yet today.

It was a dream-come-true kind of wedding.

A “dream wedding” is how our daughter described the day. I agree. It was perfect in every way. Certainly, God’s hand was upon every detail. We couldn’t be more grateful. Consequently, it’s a day that I will remember forever. I believe many will. (We can’t wait to see the rest of the photos from the photographer!)

Once again I stand in awe of God’s faithfulness. He is so good to us. He is good to this young newlywed couple. Alissa and Morgan’s wedding day was a powerful testimony of that and so much more.

Thanks for rejoicing with us in this special time in our lives!

Much love,


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  1. Tara

    What a beautiful day! The pictures are gorgeous. Alissa and you both look stunning.

    • Julie Lefebure

      It was a beautiful day, Tara. Thank you!

  2. Cindy

    Perfectly lovely! You look beautiful!!! Everything was beautiful! My daughter’s day didn’t go quite as perfectly thanks to an unpredicted major storm that knocked out our electricity; but God’s hand was felt throughout the day and we cherish the memories, too! Thank you for sharing your special day with us!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Those stories of wedding day/week happenings continue to bring back great memories, don’t they? We’ll remember this for a long time to come. Thanks for sharing in our joy!



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