For the last three nights I’ve been busy in my office working on my taxes for my Mary Kay business, and I’m happy to say, I AM DONE!
I have to confess that I didn’t keep up very well in my monthly bookkeeping, hence the reason why it took me three nights to complete it all. But what a great feeling to have it all done and on to fresh record-keeping!! YES!!!
My next focus is reorganizing and possibly even rearranging my office. There are certain areas that I’d like to change and enhance, and I’m looking forward to exploring possibilities!
On another note, it’s snowing tonight and we’re forecasted to get 5-7 inches. I guess we’ll see in the morning where we end up in that. I looked ahead today and Accuweather says we could 5 more inches Sunday night into Monday. I sure hope that’s wrong! I can’t say enough how I’m looking forward to spring!
(Okay…just saw it’s been down-graded to 2-5 inches.)
I’m going to call it a night. And what a great feeling it is to not have these taxes hanging over my head anymore! Hey, if there’s something you’ve been putting off, I encourage you to tackle it. You’ll feel empowered and encouraged!
Have a great finish to your Thursday!

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